I Wanted to know what are the next prestige classes to be released? Sorceror, I figured are due. But will favored soul get one too? anything mentioned that I missed.
I Wanted to know what are the next prestige classes to be released? Sorceror, I figured are due. But will favored soul get one too? anything mentioned that I missed.
()ptimistic Guardian
Elemental savants (sorc) are coming in u9, that's all we know.
Thank you.
Wished they would release a little more than one at a time.
()ptimistic Guardian
Elemental Savant is all that we have been told. Not necessarily all that is coming.
Generally I've noticed that when they do a whole new PrE they just do one (e.g. PM). However when they do a polish pass sometime later they often do two or three at once (shintao, ninja, PM were all polished at once I think). A brand new PrE presumably requires a lot more dev time to balance & test properly.
What do we know about the elemental servant?
waka flaka flame ina unda wata tank