atm i can offer:
ALL NEW!!! +5 Metalline Greatsword of pure Good with an Icy Burst Kit allready on it ALL NEW!!!
large ingredients
ring of the djinn
ring of spellstoring
plate armor of the deep
belt of thoughtful remembrance
scrolls of:
- deneith heavy chain
- hammer of life
- ruby encrusted gauntlet
- docent of grace
- kundarak warding bracers
gs blanks (atm belt and kopesh)
cpl of tomes
or a bunch of other nice stuff like:
2x +2 metaline of pure good d-axes (ml.8)
+2 metaline shortsword of pure good
vorpal throwing axe
paralyzing throwing hammer
paralyzing dart of righteousnes
mith. full plate +5
much more weapons and armors
i am looking for red scales, medium eberron dragon shards
i am also looking to trade pebbles for twigs and funk
contact me either ingame or thru forum
most played toons atm are fieryroberta robsdeepees robsugly, roberthut and fhyyn
greetz rob