Preface- I do not play characters who regularly rely on DR as a means of damage mitigation.
Today, Epic Wiz King. Shield blocking with a Levik's, and have Epic Cloak of Night on.
My Inventory panel says I have blocking DR of 24.
My Combat log says this:
(Combat): Eternal Hunter hit you for a total of 29 points of pierce damage after 17 were blocked by damage reduction.
What am I misunderstanding here? If I have 24 blocking DR, shouldn't 24 points of damage be blocked by Damage Reduction?
And where are these 24 points coming from? 15 from Levik's, 5 DR/Good from Cloak... do they stack? Even if they did, that would be 20?
I apologize if this is a failure on my part to understand a basic of the game, it's just really bugging me and I'd love input. I'm in the middle of piking this Wiz-King right now, can provide screenies when I get out.