I was reading the forums and keep seeing people who have played with each other or have just run into each other time to time. Since I’ve joined some pugs I started to wonder if anyone out there has seen me in group/ on game. I figure I should be memorable. I’m the Cleric who didn’t heal them right before they died. You always remember that guy, right?
NOW WE DELVE DEEP INTO THE MIND OF HOGLUM (well, as deep as it goes anyhow), and we see what conversation he had with himself in order to write such a ridiculous post:
Hoglum: Gee, I should send out a message on the forums to see if anybody has played with me. It would be swell to make a connection on the forums with some in game friends.
Hoglum: That’s not such a good idea.
Hoglum: I bet there’s someone out there who I’ve partied with who will say, “yeah, you’re that Cleric that saved my life and pulled the party back from total disaster.”
Hoglum: No, they’ll just remember you as the nincom**** who cast waterbreathing on the party right before the end boss fight.
Hoglum: How do you spell nincom****?
Hoglum: Remember “Running with Devils”? Party wipe. Remember “VON I”, “VON2”, “VON3” and the rest? Yep, wipes, all your fault.
Hoglum: I bet I have a peachy reputation. I always say “hello” when I join a pug. Can’t go wrong with that.
Hoglum: You are also the guy who everyone else says “goodbye” to and makes reference to the squelch function in the game.
Hoglum: I bet that squelch thing doesn’t translate into forum posts too. Right?
Hoglum: Bad idea, but I bet you write this crud anyhow.