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  1. #1
    Community Member Caged's Avatar
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    Default Bard GS Falchion

    Hello, I'm planning to TR my toon into a bard (there's just not enough around) and I just can't seem to figure out which GS weapon I should craft. I'm planning to do the classic rocker horc build ( which has imp crit). Should I make a Lit 2 falchion or a Mineral 2 one? (I have enough materials for only one...)

  2. #2
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    If you don't have imp crit, make MinII. If you have that feat, then you have the option of making Epic Antique Greataxe for your DR-breaking needs and LitII for trash beater. I don't recall atm but I think Classic Rocker does have imp crit.

    Really depends where you want to use your larges. You can skip making GS entirely and go straight for Antique Gaxe, saving the larges for other characters, or you can spoil your Bard with MinII and LitII OR LitII and EAG.

    Leveling will be easier with a MinII as you'll have a lower level boss beater than EAG though.
    Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.

  3. #3
    Community Member Caged's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irinis View Post
    If you don't have imp crit, make MinII. If you have that feat, then you have the option of making Epic Antique Greataxe for your DR-breaking needs and LitII for trash beater. I don't recall atm but I think Classic Rocker does have imp crit.

    Really depends where you want to use your larges. You can skip making GS entirely and go straight for Antique Gaxe, saving the larges for other characters, or you can spoil your Bard with MinII and LitII OR LitII and EAG.

    Leveling will be easier with a MinII as you'll have a lower level boss beater than EAG though.
    Would a Lit2 do ~ok against the dr beater (Mineral 2) or would it fall short? (Say in shroud mostly normal)
    I don't think I'm gonna be planning on epic gear atm just lvling really.

  4. #4
    Community Member Emizand's Avatar
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    This is what is reccomended in original post

    Greensteel Falchion -- Mineral II (holy, acid burst, +2 con) -- When you're needing to bypass DR and fight raid bosses, that +2 con will come in handy.

    That is until you get SoS. This was for the human build, but i would assume its just the same for HO.

  5. #5
    Stormreach Advisor

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    I made a half-orc bard that's probably quite similar, and got him:
    - a mineral II falchion
    - an earthgrab greataxe

    I mostly use the greataxe while leveling, typically running around with an earth elemental, I see a lot of earthgrabbing going on
    I use the min II falchion on bosses only, or on stuff that requires metalline. Which is actually quite handy (e.g. I don't think I'd have been able to run Shadow Crypt elite solo without that falchion).

  6. #6
    Community Member Crinos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caged View Post
    Would a Lit2 do ~ok against the dr beater (Mineral 2) or would it fall short? (Say in shroud mostly normal)
    I don't think I'm gonna be planning on epic gear atm just lvling really.
    A Lit II will out DPS a Min II in shroud normal as the lightning strike damage more than compensates for the DR loss.

    In shroud elite Min II wins, on hard probably about equal.

    So unless you plan on running lots of elite shrouds I'd go with the Lit II. That's what I did on my bard, although I've since made him a Min II as well.

  7. #7
    Community Member Valindria's Avatar
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    Lit II for sure.

    If you are making it to plan on using during you TR, think of how sweet Lit will be at level 12 or whenever you can use it. You won't need DR beaters at that level and you can get by with either using a Good/silver dr weapon until you get your Epic Antique GA at 20.

  8. #8
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Quote Originally Posted by Valindria View Post
    If you are making it to plan on using during you TR, think of how sweet Lit will be at level 12 or whenever you can use it.
    Honestly, it's not that sweet. The 650 damage is mostly wasted on monsters at this level, especially if you're doing a lot of normal solo runs.

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