Only listing the build basics so you can fine tune as you desire. Purpose of build is to be an Evoker, but with a slight twist.
Half Elf 20 FvS
Alignment any non good(for litany of the dead)
2x Sorc TR(for evocation dc's)
Wisdom = Max, all level up points, +6 item, +3 exceptional, etc. 44 possible with +3 tome
Charisma = Max, same as wisdom but no level up points and +2 capstone. 42 possible with +3 tome. For 32/34 points, go 16-17
Constitution = 12-14 depending on 32/34/36 build. 30 possible with +3 tome.
Intelligence = +2 tome at level 7
Max Umd, rest concentation. For jump, get the jump clicky from Shavarath.
dragonmark of storm x3
monk dilettante
Silver Flame
I really want heighten and toughness, but extend and quicken are more useful.
(28)Half Elf = Human recovery II(6), Monk recovery II(6 from dilettante), Human wisdom and charisma I(6), extra dragonmark IV(10)
(52)Fvs = charisma III(12), wisdom II(6), Silver Flame capstone(2), Life Magic IV(10), wand mastery II(3), Smiting IV(10), prayer of smiting III(6), incredible smiting II(3)
Hps: 400-500+
Sps: 2700-2800+
Healing amp: 147%
Dream gear:
Torc, Litany of the dead, Skiver, shroud 45 hit point conc opp and spell points goggles (swap after buffing), +3 cha/wis tod rings, greater evocation focus(robe of fire/regalia/black dragonscale), abashai set, triple positive off hand weapon, superior spark and ardor clickies/pots.
9 = Heal mass, True res, Implosion or Energy Drain if Epic only
8 = Holy Aura, Mass Deathward, Firestorm
7 = Mass Protection, Mass Spell resistance, Mass cure serious
6 = Heal, bladebarrier, cometfall
5 = Mass cure light, true seeing, break enchantment, optional
4 = Freedom, recitation, Neutralize Poison, holy smite
1-3 = prayer, rest optional
No cost Searing light every 6 seconds
7 84 Second non extended lightning storms, more if you equip a dragonmark item. 7 is still 10 minutes worth. Hopefully they fix the extend issue.
Gust of wind and Electric Loop = Not worth much
Heal and blow stuff up. Run in and grab whatever you can handle, hit a call lightning storm, throw down some blade barriers, and firestorm/searing light/cometfall/holy smite(whichever suits the situation). Still have good healing potential for epics, wings, dr, and extra resist. With your healing amp, you can self scroll 365 hps, or spell heal to full. I would not take the dragonmarks until 12/15/18, so you can get them lightning storm at almost max duration and save the aps for extra marks.