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  1. #1
    Community Member RioRussell's Avatar
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    Default This is why kids should NOT be allowed to play - come share my pain

    I don't mean kids in general, I mean *my* kid.

    My daughter has started playing DDO (yes this probably means I am old). She has a L7 cleric on Argo (started on that server because a few of her friends are over there, and frankly I have grouped with too many of you to be able to recommend that she play on Khyber). She asked me if I would show her where this 'bloodstone' chest was that they heard about in general chat, so I hopped on a wiz I had built on argo and showed them where Palumak and Thirsty's chest was. Sure enough, Thirsty spawned. She and her friends were chattering even more over voice chat (if that is even possible) as they opened the chest, only to be skunked. They all said 'aw man, we didn't get one'. I chuckled to myself and in a fatherly way kindly explained to them that it would take time, don't get discouraged, etc...

    Let me stop her and explain/whine about my Bloodstone luck. I was here for Mod3 when it came out. I have ransacked those chests countless times. I started keeping track somewhere in the 100's and am now at 247 times opening either chest and I have NEVER had a bloodstone drop. I have traded for every one I have. (and if you come to this thread and explain how you have pulled 3 in 10 runs, or 27 overall, etc... just know that I will hunt you down and make sure you are in a group with me every time you go in the desert so you will never get another one).

    Now, most of you have guessed where this story ends. After they got skunked, I told them they could recall out, break group, and reform to take another shot at it. As they ran back into the desert, I logged off and walked up the stairs, only to hear my daughter screaming like Justin Bieber just knocked at our door to ask her to a movie. Apparently the second time opening the chest is the charm. All of her friends were congratulating her on the luck.

    You would think as a father I would be very proud. You would be wrong.


    Golyat, Thelonies, Mavete, Uzziah

  2. #2
    Community Member Srozbun's Avatar
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    Did you then demand her trade it to you for a pittance? If not, shame on you!

    Edit: Lots of things you could have done.

    - Hey Sarah (first girl name to come to mind), I'll give you 50k plat for that
    - Trade it to me or you're grounded!
    - If you give me that bloodstone you don't have to do dishes for a week!
    - I'll take you and friends all out to dinner for that bloodstone
    Last edited by Srozbun; 01-25-2011 at 01:53 PM.
    700+ HP? 90+ AC? TWF DPS and Hate?

  3. #3


    now for the simple cost of 2 character transfers that bloodstone can be yours
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  4. #4
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    +1 cause I know how much this sux!

  5. #5
    Community Member slothinator's Avatar
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    Default Not as bad, but.....

    I've run delera something in the 20's and never pulled a Carnifex; my 12 year old son pulled it on his first run. I feel your pain. You want to feel good for them, but the gamer in you won't let it happen.

    By the way, I'm not at 247, but I've lost count of my desert runs and also never pulled a bloodstone. There should be a support group.
    Sarlona: Stelvar, Stethos, Saltmint, Abbracadaver, Shaigh Hulud, Fujihowser MD, Soundwaive, Kuddlefish and some others

  6. #6
    Community Member kyleann's Avatar
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    Default Family ties

    See, the nice part is you're her father. I would demand that bloodstone as payment for rent/food/texting money that you are of course due.

    If you're a more even-minded (boring) parent here's an alternative. In exchange for the bloodstone she has your blessing to put you in a home (if this was already the plan, then you get to be forced into a home early).

    Personally, I claim parental rights to all loot found under my roof. This is also known as "child labor" because apparently having your 7-year old son skip school to do forced loot runs for 13 hours without breaks is "illegal". Apparently our lawmakers are out of touch with the MMO world...Not that I've done this, of course. Call it an educated assumption. Yeah, that's the ticket.

  7. #7
    Community Member ddobard1's Avatar
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    I Love a RolePlay Challenger!

  8. #8
    Community Member Kreaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slothinator View Post
    There should be a support group.
    There should be someone programming loot tables besides my ex-wife.
    Remember, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people. -Mrmrsmr Garrison

  9. #9
    Community Member Undone1's Avatar
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    Not exactly the same but I know the low drop grind, I hit 91 runs for bauble and am at ~100 for eardweller and still nada. While I hear stories about getting them first run and 3rd run aggravates me to no end.
    Characters: Owenz Fighter 20, Ocuul Favored Soul 20, Horthgar Monk 20

  10. #10
    Community Member ddobard1's Avatar
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    There will come a day when DDO's undifferentiated sow to harvest from sunrise to sunset.
    Very nice evening story OP.

  11. #11
    Community Member Renvar's Avatar
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    If we are complaining about drop rates, I have collected 50 epic dungeon tokens in the last 6 weeks, which means I have run at least 50 epic's. Probably more since they don't drop full tokens in all that many epics now days and I have not gotten a single epic scroll drop. Not one. Not even a crappy scroll that no one would want.

    I have been in Epic Claw of the Vulkoor runs where 1 guy got Epic Gloves of the Claw, Boots of Mire, and Epic something of Venom all in one run.

    Ugh. I hate epic scroll farming.

    It's worse than bloodstone and spectral glove farming combined.
    Asheras - Velania - Renvar - Ventarya - Officer of Lava Divers - Khyber

  12. #12
    Community Member Emili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDOTalk71 View Post
    If we are complaining about drop rates, I have collected 50 epic dungeon tokens in the last 6 weeks, which means I have run at least 50 epic's. Probably more since they don't drop full tokens in all that many epics now days and I have not gotten a single epic scroll drop. Not one. Not even a crappy scroll that no one would want.

    I have been in Epic Claw of the Vulkoor runs where 1 guy got Epic Gloves of the Claw, Boots of Mire, and Epic something of Venom all in one run.

    Ugh. I hate epic scroll farming.

    It's worse than bloodstone and spectral glove farming combined.
    I got a scroll the other night ... I think it was in snitch and someone congratulated me for a Garos Malice scroll, lol, I thought big deal ... am no closer to any of the scrolls I want or could possibly use.

    I have no exact count but are a few hundred tokens I think 700 and some odd change last I looked? In that same bag 'bout six to eight scrolls, a few were given me and I think two were dropped to me, and the rest I bought off AH just 'cause they were really cheap and I had the shard or seal to match. Point in hand though like Shammy told me ... concensus seems to be 100 mob to one scroll on average ... given such I think 50-80 runs would yield possibly one scroll.
    Last edited by Emili; 01-25-2011 at 02:43 PM.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by kyleann View Post
    Personally, I claim parental rights to all loot found under my roof. This is also known as "child labor" because apparently having your 7-year old son skip school to do forced loot runs for 13 hours without breaks is "illegal".
    LOL. +1.

    Rare item farming...the sweatshop of the 21st century.

  14. #14
    Community Member Cauthey's Avatar
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    +1 for teh entertaining.

  15. #15
    Community Member Tuney's Avatar
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    You get a +1 for making my laugh but -1 for making me laugh to hard that It made me remmeber I'm sick with the flu!

    Though It is in reverse here! I'm the kid and I have my dad doing all the grunt work farming for me MUHAHA!!

  16. #16
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RioRussell View Post
    You would think as a father I would be very proud. You would be wrong.


    I feel your pain.

  17. #17
    Community Member exvanguard's Avatar
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    heck - I am impressed that a l7 cleric (no idea what her friends play) is already farming the desert. Not too big a deal for a vet but not a bad achievement for what I assume to be a young teen with minimal mmo experience

  18. #18
    Community Member Tholar's Avatar
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    You gave me a great idea. "Your in my world now grandma, get back to farming!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Codeshaper View Post
    Now that's just crazy talk
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  19. #19
    Community Member ArloOne's Avatar
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    Cool Funny stuff!

    Good read, and understanding.

    My brother started playing about a year and half after I started. He not only pulled a "Bloodstone" on one of his first couple of runs in there...but had the gall to pull one on the second chest as well!

    Yes 2 Bloodstones in one run!

    He didn't even have a clue what they were(in fact, bound and attuned one without asking me if that was smart).

    Needless to say, He has the best luck with pulls...luckily, he is also quite generous and has passed many good pulls to other fortunate enough to be in his party at the time.

    +1 good story!
    Dravun , Yocoba, Daivik, and so many more.
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  20. #20
    Community Member unionyes's Avatar
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    Child farming isn't a bad idea. I have five kids, all of whom are old enough for household chores.

    I can do the chores faster than them, and there are often two kids at a time doing any one chore, like dishes for example. Thus, I can quadruple my farming time by doing the dishes in 15 minutes instead of half an hour and getting 1 hour of farming out of them in return.

    Hey kids, good news! You're all getting laptops!
    Thelanis; Strngrdanger, Likkerpig, Byrnt, Obgynkenobi, Severancepay, Buffystmarie.

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