I don't mean kids in general, I mean *my* kid.
My daughter has started playing DDO (yes this probably means I am old). She has a L7 cleric on Argo (started on that server because a few of her friends are over there, and frankly I have grouped with too many of you to be able to recommend that she play on Khyber). She asked me if I would show her where this 'bloodstone' chest was that they heard about in general chat, so I hopped on a wiz I had built on argo and showed them where Palumak and Thirsty's chest was. Sure enough, Thirsty spawned. She and her friends were chattering even more over voice chat (if that is even possible) as they opened the chest, only to be skunked. They all said 'aw man, we didn't get one'. I chuckled to myself and in a fatherly way kindly explained to them that it would take time, don't get discouraged, etc...
Let me stop her and explain/whine about my Bloodstone luck. I was here for Mod3 when it came out. I have ransacked those chests countless times. I started keeping track somewhere in the 100's and am now at 247 times opening either chest and I have NEVER had a bloodstone drop. I have traded for every one I have. (and if you come to this thread and explain how you have pulled 3 in 10 runs, or 27 overall, etc... just know that I will hunt you down and make sure you are in a group with me every time you go in the desert so you will never get another one).
Now, most of you have guessed where this story ends. After they got skunked, I told them they could recall out, break group, and reform to take another shot at it. As they ran back into the desert, I logged off and walked up the stairs, only to hear my daughter screaming like Justin Bieber just knocked at our door to ask her to a movie. Apparently the second time opening the chest is the charm. All of her friends were congratulating her on the luck.
You would think as a father I would be very proud. You would be wrong.