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  1. #1
    Community Member Undone1's Avatar
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    Default TWF Pure Kensai Half-Orc Khopeshs

    Recently started to gear out this guy and have been playing this guy more often so I figured I would post this build. I don't have the character generator so I'll just have to generate it manually.

    Fighter 20
    Half orc
    Chaotic Neutral

    Stats (32 points)
    20 Str + 2 tome (at 7th) + 6 item + 3 exceptional + 3 profane + 2 HO enhancement +5 level up +3 fighter enhancement = 44 Str
    15 dex + 2 tome (at 7th) = 17 Dex
    15 con + 2 tome at (at 7th) + 7 item + 3 exceptional = 27 Con
    6 int
    8 wis
    6 cha

    1) Toughness
    F1) WF slashing
    F2) TWF
    3) Toughness
    F4) WS slashing
    F6) Khopesh proficiency
    6) Toughness
    F8) IC slash
    9) Toughness
    F10) GWF slash
    F12) GWS slash
    12) Toughness
    F14) ITWF
    15) Toughness
    F16) GTWF
    F18) Power attack
    18) Superior weapon focus
    F20) Oversized Two weapon fighting

    Skill - Balance

    Goggles: Tharns/GS goggles
    Head: GS helm/Epic red
    Neck: Kensai necklace
    Trinket: Bloodstone
    Cloak: epic envenomed (slotted GFL)
    Belt: Ravager
    Ring 1: Ravager +2 str
    Ring 2: kensai +2 con
    Gloves: Epic charged gauntlets (Titans grip clicky)
    Boots: madstones/anchoring
    Bracers: epic scorched bracers (Slotted heavy fort)
    Armor: Epic red/Epic merlith Slotted toughess (currently Epic infested)

    Weapon 1: Lit2/min2/Epic chaosblade
    Weapon 2: Lit2/Min2

    And Vaccume 2s if I ever get around to it.

    Enhancements are pretty versatile but a few are pretty important such as Kensai 3, Kensai khopesh mastery 3, Fighter str 3, Ftr toughness 4, HO toughness 2, HO str 2, and extra action boosts as desired. The reason this build eschews trip and stun is that in my epic experience the only time that the DPS needs stunning blow is a poor group or a very long epic (Chains, Von 5, exct) and in a poor group some stuns aren't often enough to save you, solution? Don't run with bad casters. This toon when I rolled him had no intention of about 2-3 epics in the game because he doesn't have fantastic endurance at only 13 boosts means epic chains, and epic von 5 are not quests I would take him in, however he does quite well in epic ADQ so he isn't one of those to just run out of gas.

    As to the feats, yes thats six, count em 6 toughness feats, my only regret is not being able to take 7 without hindering my DPS. The only two feats I am missing Id like to have are quick draw (Allow for sloppier play style) and stunning blow. The six toughness feats allow for his HPs to reach Horoth tanking levels without buffs. You will never have barb like HPS but your dps will be very high.

    The gear is interesting because most people go with gloves of the claw and bracer's of the claw. While those do good damage and are better for tanking, you (As this DPS is pretty high) simply cannot wear these unless tanking. You have to manage your boosts and often remove PA to not become tank when tanks without claw set/hate gen are tanking. This set also has the added bonus of +2 to hit over the claw set which is important for a TWF build. Eventually I may make the claw set for this character but if you really want to use claw set the best way is to drop the bracers and gloves and put 20% healing amp on the kensai ring. This way with ship buffs your at 171% healing amp. If you actually manage to get the epic merlith chain (ergo the reason bloodstone is listed still) litany of the dead gives 20 hps and +1 damage +1 to hit.

    Thoughts, comments, criticisms? (Preferably not ZOMG 6 toughness feats?!)
    Last edited by Undone1; 01-26-2011 at 11:29 AM.
    Characters: Owenz Fighter 20, Ocuul Favored Soul 20, Horthgar Monk 20

  2. #2
    Community Member Undone1's Avatar
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    Lots of views but no replies. Is it badly formated/unreadable?
    Characters: Owenz Fighter 20, Ocuul Favored Soul 20, Horthgar Monk 20

  3. #3
    Founder Xithos's Avatar
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    Talking Fighter Feedback

    I would drop Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting for something else. With the gear you have listed there you will hit like a boss.
    Current Project: Cercivesoul Uzuaki 17 Fav. Soul / 2 Monk / 1 Fighter
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  4. #4
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    Drop OSTWF.

    While epic claw set averages more damage than the chrono set, the chrono set does add the 3profane str to help out without getting agro. However, regardless of which setup you use you'll find you can often draw agro. This is why you keep a tharnes bracers in backup. Yes, it'll break the sets but it also gives -20 threat, which if not MT helps a lot. Otherwise you'll find you cant go near normal dps without getting agro.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Undone1's Avatar
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    I am guessing that you would drop OSTWF for Quick draw. As it stands I am always second in aggro order atm due to most tanks I run with having claw set. If I turn on brute fighting I can tank but I would rather toggling my hate gen not cost me tons of DPS. Tharns is a good idea, I will keep my eyes out for the bracers.
    Characters: Owenz Fighter 20, Ocuul Favored Soul 20, Horthgar Monk 20

  6. #6
    Community Member Crann's Avatar
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    Quick draw not only lets you change weapons's real utility lies in the reduction of boost activation times, very handy for this build.

  7. #7
    The Hatchery Vissarion's Avatar
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    To be honest, it seems kind of wrong to not have Stunning Blow on this character. I'd go for that over OTWF rather than Quick Draw (though I'd also want Quick Draw if I were doing it, most likely in the place of a Toughness).

    With such a high STR and fighter enhancements available, you really need to exploit your ability to CC in epics.
    Order of the Silver Dragons||Argonessen
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  8. #8
    Community Member Undone1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vissarion View Post
    To be honest, it seems kind of wrong to not have Stunning Blow on this character. I'd go for that over OTWF rather than Quick Draw (though I'd also want Quick Draw if I were doing it, most likely in the place of a Toughness).

    With such a high STR and fighter enhancements available, you really need to exploit your ability to CC in epics.
    Unless I am missing something stunning blow is 10 + str + stunning item + tactics. Stunning tactics aren't something I have feats wise at the moment and I would have to give up action boosts for them (one or two wouldn't ruin the world its true). The problem is you have to carry a +10 stunner in the off hand which drops the DPS a very large amount. Without an item reasonably boosted to 52 ( +8 its almost always running) And with 2 tactics enh its only a 33, so to have a workable stun you need either a large number of buffs or a large drop in your DPS to stun.
    Characters: Owenz Fighter 20, Ocuul Favored Soul 20, Horthgar Monk 20

  9. #9
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undone1 View Post
    Unless I am missing something stunning blow is 10 + str + stunning item + tactics. Stunning tactics aren't something I have feats wise at the moment and I would have to give up action boosts for them (one or two wouldn't ruin the world its true). The problem is you have to carry a +10 stunner in the off hand which drops the DPS a very large amount. Without an item reasonably boosted to 52 ( +8 its almost always running) And with 2 tactics enh its only a 33, so to have a workable stun you need either a large number of buffs or a large drop in your DPS to stun.
    10+str+stun item + tactics + kensai bonuses.

    and an offhand stunner wouldn't lower your DPS it would increase it. an x3 warhammer will x3 just like your pesh with the same base. Sure you won't have a (16)17-20 x3 in both hands but for taking out the trash a stun then 2-20 x3 crits will increase your DPS by a lot.

    10 base + 17str +10 stun10 item +3 kensaiIII puts you at the magic 40 without any investment in tactics. enough to stun pretty regular even in epics. For epics I'd throw in 1 or two tactics just to be sure.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Cold_Stele's Avatar
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    Not a lot of responses about the build because everyone uses the same stats/feats and you've got it 95% right already.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cold_Stele View Post
    Pure HOrc Ftr -

    20 Str, 15 Dex (+2 tome for I/GTWF), 15 Con

    All Weapon Focus, Spec and Imp Crit feats for Slashing
    Stunning Blow

    Rest of feats into Toughness.

    Don't take Power Critical.

    If you're short on resources take THF instead of TWF. DPS will be lower though.

    Race HOrc>HElf>WF>Dwarf/Human

    Enhancements - take Kensai prereqs, FHB4 (very important), extra AB, toughness and racial enhancements.


    Blitz build in 'character builds' forum has UMD you might find useful soloing (Ftr12/Barb6/Rog2) but it doesn't come recommended unless you have Barb PL feat.

  11. #11
    Community Member Undone1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t0r012 View Post
    10+str+stun item + tactics + kensai bonuses.

    and an offhand stunner wouldn't lower your DPS it would increase it. an x3 warhammer will x3 just like your pesh with the same base. Sure you won't have a (16)17-20 x3 in both hands but for taking out the trash a stun then 2-20 x3 crits will increase your DPS by a lot.

    10 base + 17str +10 stun10 item +3 kensaiIII puts you at the magic 40 without any investment in tactics. enough to stun pretty regular even in epics. For epics I'd throw in 1 or two tactics just to be sure.
    Hmm interesting didn't realize kensai added 3 (although to be fair my standard running STR is 46 and 54 now that theres a +2 shrine available so it would be higher) the question is, is stunning > quick draw?

    - Not a lot of responses about the build because everyone uses the same stats/feats and you've got it 95% right already. -

    Ah didn't realize that.
    Characters: Owenz Fighter 20, Ocuul Favored Soul 20, Horthgar Monk 20

  12. #12
    The Hatchery Vissarion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undone1 View Post
    Hmm interesting didn't realize kensai added 3 (although to be fair my standard running STR is 46 and 54 now that theres a +2 shrine available so it would be higher) the question is, is stunning > quick draw?
    Yes, in my opinion Stunning Blow far outweighs Quick Draw in extra DPS against everything that is stunnable. Sure, it doesn't help against Raid Bosses, but it is invaluable in epics.

    And I definitely agree with t0r0 about the DPS increase; autocrit with a mainhand signature weapon and offhand non-signature (but still x3 multiplier) > normal attacks/crits with two signature weapons.

    Fitting in the enhancements for SB shouldn't be too tough; on my planned pure HO fighter, I have all four tiers, but only take Extra Action Boost II for HO and I for fighter. That would give me eleven boosts per shrine, or 13 with Verik's. Seems adequate for all except the longest quests.
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  13. #13
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    F6) Khopesh proficiency

    I dont like waiting to level 6 for khopesh proficiency on a khopesh build, what do i do until then?

  14. #14
    Community Member bendover's Avatar
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    I've not personally done the math totally full blown but if you're going Kensai III you should look into comparing Khopesh vs. Heavy Picks. There is a + to damage breaking point where the heavy pick will out dps the khopesh which would also let you look into another feat.

  15. #15
    Community Member Relenthe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bendover View Post
    I've not personally done the math totally full blown but if you're going Kensai III you should look into comparing Khopesh vs. Heavy Picks. There is a + to damage breaking point where the heavy pick will out dps the khopesh which would also let you look into another feat.
    not including weapon effects, and base damage for greensteel

    khopesh: (2-15)(70%) = 1d10 (5.5 damage) + x (damage mod)
    (16-20)(25%) = (5.5 + x + 6 seeker)*3
    (5.5+x)(.7) + (11.5 + x)*3(.25) = average damage

    pick (2-17)(80%) = 1d8 (4.5 damage) + x (damage mod)
    (18-20)(15%) = (4.5 + x + 6 seeker)*4
    (4.5+x)(.8) + (10.5 + x)*4(.15)

    3.85+.7x+8.625+.75x = 3.6+.8x+6.3+.6x

    solving for x gives -51.5, and therefore impossible for pick to out-dps khopesh in non-autocrit situations. Although I may have oversimplified or overlooked something. If i have let me know

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