Anyone remember that feat?
It would be simple to introduce into DDO, I think, with the hireling system.
Obviously, it can not be worked the way it is in PnP.
However, it could be worked in this way. 1 clickie, summon cohort, whose level can never be higher than two levels below your level, and whose level is based on your leadership score.
(A character’s base Leadership score equals his level plus any Charisma modifier. The character must still be 6th level or higher in order to gain the Leadership feat. Outside factors can affect a character’s Leadership score.)
For an interesting twist....
enhancements, changing your base cohort. 4 AP, your cohort is now a cleric. 6 more AP, your cohort is now a radiant servant.
Prolly cap Cohorts at level 16 or so... maybe even ban them from raids or epics. Or maybe just epics.
Or even allow them to go all the way to 18, but make it cost AP to customize them.
OR. You have to level your cohort from level 1 to whatever the cap would be, choose his/ her levels/feats/ skill points/ enhancements.
Whatever seems most balanced.