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Thread: Buggy quests

  1. #1
    Community Member NinjaCereal's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Default Buggy quests

    So I'm running Assault on Summerfield. I finish all of the objectives, but when I get to the end General Tagherit doesn't spawn. I submit a ticket, talk to someone, and they fix the problem.

    Then the end chest won't spawn.

    So I figure whatever, the quest is done anyway.
    I leave, and head over to Blockade Buster.

    I get to the kobolds in the first ship and set the timer. I try to unlock the mine hatches, but clicking on the option doesn't do anything. (and I know I have the int for it)
    Okay then, guess I'll go back out through the hatch I came in.

    I click on that, and nothing happens. It won't let me back through. So I have to leave the quest.

    A friend of mine has been having problems with Malicia in The Big Top as well. She'll just stand there in here bubble not doing anything, even after the mobs have been killed. My friend tried going back and killing everything else in the quest and that seemed to do the trick, but I know that's not usually required.

    Has anyone else been having issues today? Or is it just us?
    Sarlona ~ Lrenaj Mornaur ♦ Lrel Jayden ♦ WeepingAngel

  2. #2
    Community Member SolarDawning's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    @General Tagherit:
    He can spawn in multiple spots. Are you sure you looked around the whole quest first?
    If you paged a GM and they spawned one of his points for you, then it probably wouldn't make the chest there either, if the boss was supposed to be at a different spot.

    @Malicia in the Big Top:
    Whenever she gets stuck in the bubble shield, this fixes itself after several (up to 5 or so) minutes. Just wait until she comes out.

    @Blockade Buster:
    No idea, I haven't run this one yet. I pretty much haven't played since u8 launched.

  3. #3
    Community Member HallowedOne's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    I think you just need to Target it
    "When a mind does not know itself, it is flawed. When a mind is flawed, the man is flawed. When a man is flawed, that which he touches is flawed. It is said that what a flawed man sees, his hands make broken."

  4. #4
    Community Member NinjaCereal's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by SolarDawning View Post
    @General Tagherit:
    He can spawn in multiple spots. Are you sure you looked around the whole quest first?
    If you paged a GM and they spawned one of his points for you, then it probably wouldn't make the chest there either, if the boss was supposed to be at a different spot. I checked all over, he wasn't there. I think I may have locked the sally port before talking to the guard again, but last time it still worked.

    @Malicia in the Big Top:
    Whenever she gets stuck in the bubble shield, this fixes itself after several (up to 5 or so) minutes. Just wait until she comes out. Gonna have to tell my friend that, I wasn't in the quest.

    @Blockade Buster:
    No idea, I haven't run this one yet. I pretty much haven't played since u8 launched.
    Quote Originally Posted by HallowedOne View Post
    I think you just need to Target it
    Lol, tried that. Still nothing.
    The odd happenings seemed to have stopped for now at least...
    Sarlona ~ Lrenaj Mornaur ♦ Lrel Jayden ♦ WeepingAngel

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