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  1. #1
    Community Member GrampaBill's Avatar
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    Unhappy So, How Much Trouble Am I In?

    My wife and I are gaming together as the traveling Paladins while I TR and she learns the game. She's currently banking lvl 19 and is getting close to running the high level raids and has been having inventory full problems. So, I told her I would help her clean out her inventory and did so. One thing I sold on the AH for about 49kp was her Atonement; figuring how many times is being Quelled a problem?

    She hit the roof saying she wanted to keep it since everyone in the quest she'd pulled it in was drooling over it. I didn't think it offered much for a Paladin but I may be quite wrong. So I guess I need to know what Atonements typically go for on the AH (yes, I know the AH is a very transitory place and thus is going to be a difficult question to answer).

    As a bit of an appeasement, I gave her my +4 Holy Burst Greatsword of Maiming which I figured would offset it some.
    Dec 21, 2011: Regarding signature errors like the one to the left:
    Quote Originally Posted by droipamine View Post
    I imagine we'll be looking at this very soon.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    It is rather useful to healers in the abbot raid, otherwise not so much. Probably should have kept it.

    Enjoy sleeping on the couch for the next week.
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  3. #3
    Community Member unionyes's Avatar
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    You're in huge trouble no matter how you slice it.

    You will be in even more trouble if you try to tell her that it wasn't that big of a deal.

    Your best bet is to take your lumps now, and later when she realizes that she didn't really need it that badly, she will feel lousy for getting mad at you and feel that she should make it up to you somehow.
    Thelanis; Strngrdanger, Likkerpig, Byrnt, Obgynkenobi, Severancepay, Buffystmarie.

  4. #4
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    It is a speciality item for use in the abbot raid really. Not required by any means, but certainly is useful. As for it's market's not cheap.
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  5. #5
    Hero Marcus-Hawkeye's Avatar
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    Do you clean out her purse too? My dad did once... never again...

  6. #6
    Hero AZgreentea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unionyes View Post
    You're in huge trouble no matter how you slice it.

    You will be in even more trouble if you try to tell her that it wasn't that big of a deal.

    Your best bet is to take your lumps now, and later when she realizes that she didn't really need it that badly, she will feel lousy for getting mad at you and feel that she should make it up to you somehow.
    Where can I find this magical woman who feels bad about getting mad at me? Mine always seem to think that it is my fault either way.

    Op, in my experience she will be mad at you even if you prove that it was the worst item in the game and that just having it in her inventory would prevent her from ever doing well in the game. You found the land mine. Sorry.
    The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.
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  7. #7
    Community Member Cam_Neely's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unionyes View Post
    later when she realizes that she didn't really need it that badly, she will feel lousy for getting mad at you and feel that she should make it up to you somehow.
    What plane do you live on?
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Hate me if you want, as of right now I'm not letting anyone crack open the build for this. Nope no way. Nada. I need developers working on the expansion pack, and that only. Again, hate me all you want, but creating a whole new realm takes priority over a broken bag. This is pretty much true of a few of the other issues that crept in today also.

  8. #8


    Tell you what, I will save your bacon. Write an apology and email it to and Lessah or I will read it on the show.

    It can't hurt right?

  9. #9
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    You're in troubleeeeeeee! XD

    You need to:

    Go buy her chocolates.
    Buy her flowers to go with the chocolates.
    Offer to massage her feet, or neck, or something. Offering to massage the parts of her body you were hoping to massage anyway does not count. :P

    After all this, you need to go and farm the heck outta Inferno until you get another one, and replace the one you sold.

    ...Then farm another for your pal Aneist, for the great advice, kk?

  10. #10
    Community Member ladyzerlynda14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrampaBill View Post
    My wife and I are gaming together as the traveling Paladins while I TR and she learns the game. She's currently banking lvl 19 and is getting close to running the high level raids and has been having inventory full problems. So, I told her I would help her clean out her inventory and did so. One thing I sold on the AH for about 49kp was her Atonement; figuring how many times is being Quelled a problem?

    She hit the roof saying she wanted to keep it since everyone in the quest she'd pulled it in was drooling over it. I didn't think it offered much for a Paladin but I may be quite wrong. So I guess I need to know what Atonements typically go for on the AH (yes, I know the AH is a very transitory place and thus is going to be a difficult question to answer).

    As a bit of an appeasement, I gave her my +4 Holy Burst Greatsword of Maiming which I figured would offset it some.
    I thing some plat might me needed to help solve this. I give all my loot that needs to be ah'ed and he makes sure I have a nice supply of pots and cash.

  11. #11
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Its worth doesnt matter, its usefulness makes no difference. The only factor here is you got rid of something she wanted......Youre screwed.
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  12. #12
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    You're borked. Replace it, doesn't matter what it's really worth, it wasn't yours to get rid of.

    Your fotunate to have a spouse that enjoys gaming with you. Acting like this is a good way to no longer have a spouse that enjoys gaming with you. It simple, common respect and consideration to not go through another persons belongings and do as you please with them even, and especially, if that person is your wife. Your intentions are irrelevant. Hopefully you learned something from this.

  13. #13
    Community Member mws2970's Avatar
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    OP, you could post a thread in the marketplace forums looking for the item to replace the one you sold.

    Also, I hope your couch is comfortable. ;P
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  14. #14
    Community Member unionyes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cam_Neely View Post
    What plane do you live on?
    This one. Seriously, even if she doesn't say anything, acknowledge it in any way, or even verbalize it to herself, she will be thinking on some level of her consciousness that she may have over reacted. You may get a +1 to your next saving throw vs. wrath of wife. Or the treasured and elusive +1 to youknowwhatImean.
    Thelanis; Strngrdanger, Likkerpig, Byrnt, Obgynkenobi, Severancepay, Buffystmarie.

  15. #15
    Community Member Dozen_Black_Roses's Avatar
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    Replace it asap, you can't win this one so don't try. It doesn't matter if it really is useful or not. Just keep in mind she is just starting to game, so those first few named items or stat6 seem like the bee's knees even if everyone else knows it's vendor trash or of a one situation usefulness. Then take the time to explain where it is only useful, and the usefulness of other weapons in day to day gaming.

    And this is advice from a grrrl gamer.
    Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).
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  16. #16
    Community Member LazyTigerLily's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broldin View Post
    You're borked. Replace it, doesn't matter what it's really worth, it wasn't yours to get rid of.

    Your fotunate to have a spouse that enjoys gaming with you. Acting like this is a good way to no longer have a spouse that enjoys gaming with you. It simple, common respect and consideration to not go through another persons belongings and do as you please with them even, and especially, if that person is your wife. Your intentions are irrelevant. Hopefully you learned something from this.
    He was being helpful, not acting in a way that was selfish as it seems you think he was. He cleaned out her inventory and from the looks of the post it was auctions on her account not his. She knew he was going to go through her things to help her out.

    At this point I think him not knowing what she absolutely wanted to keep was more an issue than his acting selfish or whatever. Really I think TheDearLeader has given the best advice yet!

  17. #17
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Drop some cash on the max TP point package so she can buy all the upgrades, pots, and doodads she wants for her character.

    That MIGHT entice her to let up on you some as she'll be busy virtual shopping, upgrading, and hopefully trying out armor and hair cosmetics.

    Oh yeah, and expect her to cherry pick your loot drops for the next year...

  18. #18
    Community Member TDarkchylde's Avatar
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    You're hosed, dude. Those first few named items are special, even if they're overly situational or just plain garbage. This isn't just an issue with girl gamers (speaking as one), but anyone still figuring out the game (been there too). You got rid of her precious before she could figure out for herself how little it could have been useful for her.

    You could always try asking her what would be necessary to make up for it. Maybe she'd want you to ransack Inferno a few times to try to get another, maybe she'd want you to break the bank if that didn't work. Or maybe next time you're doing admin on her toon, you could ask before you sell the next "worthless" item she has.

    Enjoy the couch.
    Last edited by TDarkchylde; 01-24-2011 at 02:28 PM.
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  19. #19
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Message me tonight or tomorrow and I'll help you two with Inferno.

    As for price, definitely not cheap. When I was actively doing Abbot a few months ago, they were running 800k-1.2m plat.

    PS. She got an Atonement too... She's definitely the luckiest player I've ever seen.

  20. #20
    Community Member AndyD47's Avatar
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    Kinda ironic,atonement for Atonement.

    Just take her out somewhere nice,and promise to let her fix her own inventory problems in the future.

    That being said,if she literally asked for your help clearing out her inventory I can't see how she can get mad at the results.
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