Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.8.0 DDO Character Planner Home Page Level 20 Lawful Good Warforged Male (3 Fighter \ 17 Wizard) Hit Points: 414 Spell Points: 1368 BAB: 11\11\16\21 Fortitude: 11 Reflex: 5 Will: 9 Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement/Equipment Abilities Base Stats Base Stats Modified Stats (28 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20) Strength 15 17 23 Dexterity 8 8 12 Constitution 14 14 22 Intelligence 18 21 30 Wisdom 6 6 12 Charisma 6 6 8 Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20) Balance 1 10.5 10.5 Bluff -2 -2 -2 Concentration 6 25 28 Diplomacy -2 -2 -2 Disable Device n/a n/a n/a Haggle -2 -2 -2 Heal -2 -2 -2 Hide -1 -1 -1 Intimidate -2 -2 -2 Jump 4 24 24 Listen -2 -2 -2 Move Silently -1 -1 -1 Open Lock n/a n/a n/a Perform n/a n/a n/a Repair 8 30 30 Search 4 7 7 Spot 0 9.5 9.5 Swim 2 4 4 Tumble 1 10.5 10.5 Use Magic Device n/a n/a n/a {\b {\ul Notable Equipment }} \par Minos Legens \par Gilvaenor's Necklace \par Globe of Imperial Blood \par Stormreaver's Napkin \par Charismatic Cloak of Protection \par Ogre Power Belt of Greater False Life \par Superior Reconstruction V Ring of the Archmagi \par Kyosho's Ring \par Skyvault Shield \par Dream Edge (Melee Alacrity 10) \par Rahl's Might (Shock Upgraded) \par +5 Shocking Burst Metalline Greataxe of Pure Good \par Dexterous Gloves of Repairing \par Quorforged Docent of Battle (Upgraded) \par Ethereal Bracers \par Blindness Ward Goggles of the Eagle \par \par Level 1 (Wizard) Skill: Balance (+2) Skill: Concentration (+4) Skill: Jump (+2) Skill: Repair (+4) Skill: Spot (+2) Skill: Tumble (+2) Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Spell Focus: Evocation Feat: (Selected) Toughness Spell (1): Magic Missle Spell (1): Repair Light Damage Spell (1): Shield Spell (1): Mage Armor Spell (1): Jump Spell (1): Expeditious Retreat Spell (1): Tumble Enhancement: Wizard Energy Manipulation I Enhancement: Wizard Elemental Manipulation I Enhancement: Wizard Force Manipulation I Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar I Level 2 (Wizard) Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+0.5) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Spell (1): Feather Fall Spell (1): Sleep Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence I Level 3 (Wizard) Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+0.5) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Feat: (Selected) Toughness Spell (2): Blur Spell (2): Repair Moderate Damage Enhancement: Racial Toughness I Enhancement: Improved Concentration I Enhancement: Warforged Constitution I Enhancement: Warforged Inscribed Armor I Level 4 (Wizard) Ability Raise: INT Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+0.5) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Spell (2): Bear's Endurance Spell (2): Electric Loop Enhancement: Improved Concentration II Enhancement: Wizard Energy Manipulation II Enhancement: Wizard Force Manipulation II Level 5 (Wizard) Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+0.5) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Mental Toughness Spell (3): Repair Serious Damage Spell (3): Chain Missiles Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar II Level 6 (Wizard) Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+0.5) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Feat: (Selected) Toughness Spell (3): Hold Person Spell (3): Haste Enhancement: Racial Toughness II Enhancement: Wizard Archmage I Level 7 (Wizard) Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+0.5) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Spell (4): Repair Critical Damage Spell (4): Death Aura Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence II Level 8 (Fighter) Ability Raise: INT Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Two Handed Fighting Enhancement: Fighter Critical Accuracy I Enhancement: Fighter Toughness I Enhancement: Evocation I - Magic Missle Level 9 (Fighter) Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+0.5) Skill: Jump (+2) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Feat: (Selected) Heighten Spell Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons Enhancement: Warforged Constitution II Level 10 (Wizard) Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Spell (4): Stoneskin Spell (4): Force Missles Enhancement: Wizard Force Manipulation III Enhancement: Fighter Strength I Level 11 (Wizard) Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Spell (5): Cyclonic Blast Spell (5): Protection From Elements Enhancement: Wizard Archmage II Level 12 (Wizard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Greater Spell Focus: Evocation Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell Spell (5): Ball Lightning Spell (4): Ice Storm Enhancement: Racial Toughness III Enhancement: Improved Concentration III Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar III Level 13 (Wizard) Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Spell (6): Reconstruct Spell (6): Flesh to Stone Enhancement: Racial Toughness IV Level 14 (Wizard) Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Spell (6): Greater Heroism Spell (6): Chain Lightning Enhancement: Wizard Archmage III Enhancement: Archmage Secondary Spell Mastery I: Evocation Enhancement: Evocation II - Gust of Wind Enhancement: Evocation III - Chain Missles Level 15 (Wizard) Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Feat: (Selected) Power Critical Spell (7): Mass Hold Person Spell (7): Delayed Blast Fireball Enhancement: Wizard Improved Maximizing I Level 16 (Wizard) Ability Raise: STR Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Spell (7): Mass Protection From Elements Spell (7): Power Word: Blind Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence III Level 17 (Wizard) Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Spell Focus: Abjuration Spell (8): Sunburst Spell (8): Power Word: Stun Enhancement: Wizard Archmage IV Enhancement: Archmage Spell Mastery I: Abjuration Enhancement: Abjuration I - Shield Enhancement: Abjuration II - Resist Energy Level 18 (Wizard) Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Feat: (Selected) Greater Spell Focus: Abjuration Spell (8): Polar Ray Spell (8): Greater Shout Enhancement: Archmage Spell Mastery II: Abjuration Enhancement: Abjuration III - Protection from Engery Enhancement: Abjuration IV - Stoneskin Level 19 (Wizard) Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Jump (+1) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Spell (9): Mass Hold Monster Spell (9): Meteor Swarm Level 20 (Fighter) Ability Raise: INT Skill: Balance (+0.5) Skill: Concentration (+0.5) Skill: Jump (+2) Skill: Repair (+1) Skill: Spot (+0.5) Skill: Tumble (+0.5) Enhancement: Wizard Improved Maximizing II Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar IV Enhancement: Warforged Construct Thinking I
Okay so i made this build a 17/3 Warforged Wizard/Fighter
I added 3 fighter lvls in for the small extra hp and some melee dmg.
Wizard up till about lvl 14 im mostly taking buffs/repair. this is going to be a Solo/PvP Character so i want to be able to buff and self heal myself as a WF. and i like the immunities that WF's get.
this is a 28 PNT Build *this is only a theory build*
So tell me if it can be better and how i can make it better