Hey all. I am looking to all your build masters out there and hoping to find a little help. I am a FTP, I bought the 3 pack adventure thats on sale this week. I also have tanglewood as well. I have WF, Monk and FvS as well.
I dont have much time to play/find groups as I am only alloted about an hour a day to play, so I have to solo when I AM in game. I prefer melee, but would like to buff/heal myself.
What I would realy like to do is solo Elite all the way to 20and be completely self sufficient. I dont care much about traps, but finding hidden doors wouldnt be too awfully bad, but I can live without it.(Hoping by time I can get to 20ish, I will have SOME time to get grops for raids and such.) The less splashing the better as I have a hard time with some of these multi class builds that I see around.
Can anyone help me with a build for this by chance? I have gone through the boards and have tried alot of the builds (Before I bought WF, and have tried a few "Solo" builds for WF, but nothign has worked out for me on the Elite settings). The onlly class that I have made it through SOME Elite settings is on a pure Monk. I dont have much plat, no tomes and my highest toon is lvl 5 (About to be deleted so I can try another build I found this morning).
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.