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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Dec 2010

    Default Wondering if I could find a little Help?

    Hey all. I am looking to all your build masters out there and hoping to find a little help. I am a FTP, I bought the 3 pack adventure thats on sale this week. I also have tanglewood as well. I have WF, Monk and FvS as well.
    I dont have much time to play/find groups as I am only alloted about an hour a day to play, so I have to solo when I AM in game. I prefer melee, but would like to buff/heal myself.
    What I would realy like to do is solo Elite all the way to 20and be completely self sufficient. I dont care much about traps, but finding hidden doors wouldnt be too awfully bad, but I can live without it.(Hoping by time I can get to 20ish, I will have SOME time to get grops for raids and such.) The less splashing the better as I have a hard time with some of these multi class builds that I see around.
    Can anyone help me with a build for this by chance? I have gone through the boards and have tried alot of the builds (Before I bought WF, and have tried a few "Solo" builds for WF, but nothign has worked out for me on the Elite settings). The onlly class that I have made it through SOME Elite settings is on a pure Monk. I dont have much plat, no tomes and my highest toon is lvl 5 (About to be deleted so I can try another build I found this morning).
    Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by rakanik1; 01-24-2011 at 08:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    I do not know when you are trying the elite settings or why. You should know that while the hard and elite settings are rated as only 1 and 2 levels above the normal quest level they actually play more like 2 and 4 levels higher. That significantly increases their difficulty.

    Also, on elite there is no dungeon scaling -- which means there is no adjustment made to the difficulty of the quest based on you being a party of one.

    Typically you should only try elite quests if you are at or above the quest level. If the normal quest level is 3 then the elite quest level is 5. You should be L5 or higher before trying to run the quest.

    That is not true of all quests but serves as a good general guideline.

    As for builds, the warforged favored soul makes a good solo character. Warforged have an early advantage because of their innately higher AC. Favored soul lets you take advantage of the adamantine body feat while still being able to melee well and do some self healing and buffing.

    Nothing like a buff WF.

    Check out the Metal Cockroach build.

    I found WF monk with a single level of wizard splashed early did quite well. I went dark path with an emphasis on DEX and WIS for the highest possible AC. I let CON and STR suffer a bit but felt that it was acceptable in a solo focused character. At L20 I lesser reincarnated and dropped the wizard level in order to grab all the benefits of being pure class monk.

    That might be an option for you as well.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I had considered a WF FvS, but as I just got WF on Saturday I hadn't tried it out just yet. I wasn't positive if Cleric/FvS could heal WF as I had read that WF is healed by repair stuff.
    Monk/Wiz huh? Which spells would I choose? Just the buffs and fire/acid?
    One of my problems, being a n00b and all, is choosing the correct feats, skills and spells, obviously. I know what a few do, but choosing them at the correct levels to get what ever the class needs, aka; kensai, arch mage etc. is still a problem for me as with most new players.
    Thank you in advance, time for me to go to work to make another dollar and get $2.00 deeper in debt hehe.

  4. #4
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    I have a melee WF fvs, and while they are absolutely amazing, they DO require some good gear to really shine. I would not recommend it for a newer or first life solo toon.

    I would suggest a WF rogue/wiz.
    max int, 16con, rest in str
    lvl 1: rog, skills: search, disable device, UMD, open locks
    lvl 2-9: wiz, skills: concentration + maxing the skills in the above order
    lvl 10: rog, max the skill as in lvl 1
    lvl 11-20 wiz

    feats: toughness, insightful reflexes, spell focus: enchant+greater, spell penetration+greater, spell focus conjuration
    bonus wiz feats: extend, maximize, highten, quicken

    enhancements: max fire/cold line, archmage with enchant focus, conjuration secondary + web.

    playstyle: get repair spells/wands, master's touch, a decent great axe, and melee your way to lvl 8. when you get firewall at lvl 8, learn to run through the dungeon collecting as many mobs as you can, dropping down a firewall, and either running in circles or shield blocking in the FW. That will carry you until lvl 16-17, at which point the game becomes a lot less soloable for the new player (there is jump in difficulty around lvl 12-13, but if you are good, you'll manage...)

    very powerful, very soloable, can handle any trap in the game, decent reflex, self healing, self buffing. and works even without raid gear.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Dec 2010


    ack, I missed this one. Thanks for the build. LOL Wish I had not forgotten I posted this last week LOL. Do you have suggested spells/feats and when to take them? I am currently running a WF 1mnk/4Wiz and the fighting abilities are nice, which is what I realy prefer to do (Melee that is).

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