Originally Posted by
My first impulse is not to squelch. It is not clear if he did leave it in the chest on purpose, or as you later stated gave it to someone else. Since you're not clear here, how can we make sense of it?
The person may have had you squleched therefore not seeing your roles, or maybe they just have not seen it. I have been in raids or quests where an item was put up for roll, I rolled on it, was the only person who rolled on it, and the person is still asking in party chat or voice, so no one wants it? At that point, friends or other party members speak up and see don't you see (Insert my toon's name here) rolled on it? And then they see it, and pass it along. Sometimes it's just a simple mistake, make they have loot rolls coming in general tab instead of party tab, and therefore miss the roll. I wouldn't assume something here.
Now if you sent a tell to him, and asked why didnt you pass it to me, and the response warranted squelching, that's one thing, but that doesn't appear to be the case here, unless you are going to again modify your story.
For future posting, try to include all details as possible in the first post, wherever possible. You may have not meant to be inconsistent in your posts, but this is how it comes across after the fact when you add facts that seem to contradict one another.