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  1. #21
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dozen_Black_Roses View Post
    My first impulse is not to squelch. It is not clear if he did leave it in the chest on purpose, or as you later stated gave it to someone else. Since you're not clear here, how can we make sense of it?

    The person may have had you squleched therefore not seeing your roles, or maybe they just have not seen it. I have been in raids or quests where an item was put up for roll, I rolled on it, was the only person who rolled on it, and the person is still asking in party chat or voice, so no one wants it? At that point, friends or other party members speak up and see don't you see (Insert my toon's name here) rolled on it? And then they see it, and pass it along. Sometimes it's just a simple mistake, make they have loot rolls coming in general tab instead of party tab, and therefore miss the roll. I wouldn't assume something here.

    Now if you sent a tell to him, and asked why didnt you pass it to me, and the response warranted squelching, that's one thing, but that doesn't appear to be the case here, unless you are going to again modify your story.

    For future posting, try to include all details as possible in the first post, wherever possible. You may have not meant to be inconsistent in your posts, but this is how it comes across after the fact when you add facts that seem to contradict one another.

    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  2. #22
    Community Member Onekife's Avatar
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    Very likely he popped it into the wrong name???
    just sayin,done it myself and had it done to me
    Last edited by Onekife; 01-23-2011 at 12:29 PM.

  3. #23
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    I know this is totally crazy talk, but perhaps in the spam he just didn't see it and made an honest mistake? I've seen it a zillion times, especially on less-demanded raid loot.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  4. #24
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    1. Yes i have red epic docent etc. but i doesnt care, that ring was only for another 20 % heal amp
    2. Guy cannot be squelched by me i was leader of a group and i did acept his request(same with any other group members), so I was the only one who rolled on the ring just to have that stupid heal amp. Yes i really wanted to have it so hard.
    3. ...And yes he left this ring in the chest because only i rolled on a ring he passed it to 1 palladin with already was out of the group, than he just said bye, no sorry or anything else i never did such stupid mistake. happened to me only if 1 guy rolled 2-3 minutes of waiting so i passed item to someone and someone else rolled. so i just said sorry to late.
    4.maybe i am freakin a-hole but i just couldnt handle.

  5. #25
    Community Member Teharahma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GregorianPL View Post
    1. Yes i have red epic docent etc. but i doesnt care, that ring was only for another 20 % heal amp
    2. Guy cannot be squelched by me i was leader of a group and i did acept his request(same with any other group members), so I was the only one who rolled on the ring just to have that stupid heal amp. Yes i really wanted to have it so hard.
    3. ...And yes he left this ring in the chest because only i rolled on a ring he passed it to 1 palladin with already was out of the group, than he just said bye, no sorry or anything else i never did such stupid mistake. happened to me only if 1 guy rolled 2-3 minutes of waiting so i passed item to someone and someone else rolled. so i just said sorry to late.
    4.maybe i am freakin a-hole but i just couldnt handle.

    Just sayin'.
    Sweep Pick or Die!
    Quote Originally Posted by JollySwagMan View Post
    But in terms of actual quest ideas, perhaps something where Halflings ride around on Warforged in battle-backpacks with shoulder-mounted repeating crossbows.

  6. #26
    Community Member shadow_419's Avatar
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    Is it possible he did try to pass you the ring, but with someone dropping group the ring went under another name by accident? It's happened to me as both the intended receiver and the passer. It's a very easy mistake to make, and since he dropped group that fast maybe he never noticed.

  7. #27
    Community Member Lleren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GregorianPL View Post
    1. Yes i have red epic docent etc. but i doesnt care, that ring was only for another 20 % heal amp
    2. Guy cannot be squelched by me i was leader of a group and i did acept his request(same with any other group members), so I was the only one who rolled on the ring just to have that stupid heal amp. Yes i really wanted to have it so hard.
    3. ...And yes he left this ring in the chest because only i rolled on a ring he passed it to 1 palladin with already was out of the group, than he just said bye, no sorry or anything else i never did such stupid mistake. happened to me only if 1 guy rolled 2-3 minutes of waiting so i passed item to someone and someone else rolled. so i just said sorry to late.
    4.maybe i am freakin a-hole but i just couldnt handle.
    If he has passed the ring to someone else, then it is possible that as he was passing the ring, someone left and the list rearranged itself. Giving the ring to someone already out of zone. Once that happens ain't nothing anyone can do about it.
    Occasionally playing on Cannith

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  8. #28
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Not that I have an opinion on the matter...

    But you can see the rolls of every party member, even if they area squelched. The person in question was capable of seeing the roll, regardless of whether or not they had the person squelched.

  9. #29
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    i know this is only a game but i really dont want to run the same raid over and over again. i was hunting for kyosho ring but now i dont care it takes to much time so since few weeks i am rollin for any ring and that was first time when i won on the roll. the second thing is it is much more harder to do tod last time, ppl are playing like 6 year old childs and it seems like they have problems to heal someone, listen to easy commands, they got crappy builds etc,etc... and list in chest cant change because it is based on ppl inside quest at the moment of opening chest and when someone leaving it doesnt changes. i never had problem like this to pass item to wrong person.
    ps. sorry for language barrier i am not the best in english, so sometimes u might dont understand sens of my sentences.

  10. #30
    Community Member destiny4405's Avatar
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    at least you got in a group that filled for ToD. been tough on sarlona to fill a group for ToD lately.

  11. #31
    Community Member DragoonPenguin's Avatar
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    Default Son, I am disapoint.

    From the way a guildie described this thread, I expected a lot more.

    Tough, dude, stuff happens and you gotta move on. ESPECIALLY in a **** video game.

    PS: Nobody cares.

  12. #32
    Community Member h4x0r1f1c's Avatar
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    You look like this dude Kithrag I know. Pretty good DPS for a WF.
    Favorite Quote: "Why are you being so serious?" - The Joker

    (how do I get interviewed by DDO because I have lots of cool ideas)

  13. #33
    Community Member Lleren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    Not that I have an opinion on the matter...

    But you can see the rolls of every party member, even if they area squelched. The person in question was capable of seeing the roll, regardless of whether or not they had the person squelched.
    I did not know that you would still see the rolls of someone you had squeltched.
    Occasionally playing on Cannith

    Llyren, Kelda and some others.

  14. #34
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GregorianPL View Post
    i know this is only a game but i really dont want to run the same raid over and over again. i was hunting for kyosho ring but now i dont care it takes to much time so since few weeks i am rollin for any ring and that was first time when i won on the roll. the second thing is it is much more harder to do tod last time, ppl are playing like 6 year old childs and it seems like they have problems to heal someone, listen to easy commands, they got crappy builds etc,etc... and list in chest cant change because it is based on ppl inside quest at the moment of opening chest and when someone leaving it doesnt changes. i never had problem like this to pass item to wrong person.
    ps. sorry for language barrier i am not the best in english, so sometimes u might dont understand sens of my sentences.
    Many of us have been dealing with these problems for a long time now.

    And yes, you can select someones name when reassigning loot and have it not drop to that person but to someone else. This has been happening for years.
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  15. #35
    Community Member Chette's Avatar
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    So what exactly is the point of this post? There are a few explanations, he didn't see your roll, has you squelched, another person rolled and you didn't notice (squelched or in a private channel) or he just didn't want to give you the ring. None of these problems are solved by your forums post. If you're bothered by it, send him a tell and ask, otherwise, move on and hope for another ring next time.
    ~ Cheara : Raizertron : Pozitron : Higgz Bowtron : Illudium : Staphe Infection : Abraa Capocus ~
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  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by GregorianPL View Post
    3. ...And yes he left this ring in the chest because only i rolled on a ring he passed it to 1 palladin with already was out of the group, than he just said bye, no sorry or anything else i never did such stupid mistake. happened to me only if 1 guy rolled 2-3 minutes of waiting so i passed item to someone and someone else rolled. so i just said sorry to late.
    If it's any consolation, Kith, I've been on the other end of this more times than I can count, e.g. having Shards of Power not go to the player I've (carefully) selected mid-Shroud.
    I've seen suggestions to the effect of opening and closing the reassignment list first before trying to assign an item in earnest -- I'm not sure if it is a sure way to avoid this, but I haven't had any mishaps with it yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    And yes, you can select someones name when reassigning loot and have it not drop to that person but to someone else. This has been happening for years.
    This seems most likely. It's unfortunate, but nothing to get bent out of shape over.
    Last edited by Zeruell; 01-24-2011 at 11:38 AM.

  17. #37
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    And yes, you can select someones name when reassigning loot and have it not drop to that person but to someone else. This has been happening for years.
    I tend to hang around in a raid until until the named stuff is pulled for that reason.

  18. #38
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    I tend to hang around in a raid until until the named stuff is pulled for that reason.
    I go back and forth. Sometimes i see the chest and think, "Bah its all junk. Who cares if it gets miss-assigned" and recall. No sooner do I do this then someone really did want that chain shirt of crippling or enlightened vestments

    I do make an effort to stay when i see quality loot drop. The problem is obviously my quality loot doesnt always match someone else's
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
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  19. #39
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Dude, its one ToD, one ring. Nothing in that Screenshot implies he did it on purpose. He didn't say "f--- you, I don't like you". He didn't say "No you can't have it", or anything like that. He did his raid, passed loot.. and maybe he or the game messed up? It is obviously a little too late to change after the fact of the matter.

    ToDs happen all the time. Wait three days, run it again. Seems like you're complaining about running it... why? Your toon is tricked out six ways to Sunday, it should be an enriching experience to run that raid and trample it into the ground. Would you prefer to spend your in-game time staring at the AH and favor farming? Eff.

  20. #40
    Community Member Aegnore's Avatar
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    my bad didnt know gregorianpl was kithrag...

    sorry for the loss again...

    you; get one again nxt time.. =)
    Eggnor MD - Favored Soul, Lord of the Blades / Aegnorr - Wizard, Palemaster

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