I am looking for a melee favoured soul build to play on my next tr.
To explain a few things, I need 3 fvs past lives for an arcane build im working on. I have previously played a clonk, and im working in this life as an evoker type soul. (I end up throwing heals because of a paucity of healers, I am not enjoying the evoker either, but im 2 levels shy of getting BB although with SF evocation and GSF evocation and wiz past life feat im hoping life improves)
The crux of the matter is, I dont enjoy healing in DDO, people are always out of los behind a pillar, zerged off to the far reaches of the dungeon or just slightly out of range, I find it a frustrating experience unfortunately. ( I need to work on my positioning also I must admit)
I dont mind throwing down heals when the **** hits the fan on this build, but the idea of nannybotting a pug through an instance just tends to smack of herding cats too much for my liking.
Therefore im looking for a nice melee soul build to play, possibly some sort of 12 fvs, 6 fighter (kensai) 2 monk kind of thing whereby I can self heal, and swing a 2 hander to victory.
A lot of the advice on the forums seems to indicate fvs works best as a pure class, and I totally get and agree with the suppositions made asserting that belief.
However, im not concerned about buff durations, im not concerned about the capstone abilities and im also not concerned with being able to solo heal a raid or other endgame stuff because once I get to 20, its time for me to TR once again.
What I am concerned about is crushing my enemies, seeing them driven before me, and hearing the lamentations of their women.
Seeing as im doing this for the past life feat, I need at least the highest level of the build to be fvs.
I have looked at some of the fvs soul builds here, and ideally im looking at utilising some of the equipment I have accumulated, such as a docent of defiance, and a GS min II greataxe. (in retrospect it should have been made a sword) and some Conc opp SP goggles.
Im just looking for something that mainly hits hard and successfully in melee, and can contribute towards backup healing in a pinch, but will be fun and avoids the stigma of having to be a nanny because people in your group see a pure healing class. Im very partial to evasion as aoe effects seem to be plentiful and dangerous in dungeons.
I realise that this build might well be rejected from groups for not being the quintessential healer because of the level split and im totally down with that.
If anyone be so kind as to point me towards some links I would be eternally grateful.
Other things to note are that I am lawful good which precludes classes that require alignments different to that such as barb.
Thanks in advance for any links to builds or build suggestions.