I recently came back from a 3 rear hiatus from ddo & made a cleric,where I saw WF with healers friend could contribute in more ways than making sure the cleric has no ugly blue bad on his screen & the wiz is distracted... so decided to drop my former severe hatred of WF & make one. I was kind of surprised that there really arent any wf components that werent there 3 years ago once I started getting along a smidge in levels
- Vanguard Treads - Page 155 of eberron explorer's handbook where they are listed as common. Basically they look like boots big enough to fit an ogre with spikes on the bottom/edge they give a big bonus to resist bullrush & grapple but also allow the wearer to ignore difficult/slippery/icy terrain without being affected by it.
Somatic Cables - page 120 of forge of war, essentiially they allow the wf to cast somatic spells even while grappled or similar but more importantly for DDO they allow the wearer to make two arcane spell failure checks & use the better when casting spells- Finger picks - page 120 fdorge of war, they function as masterwork thieves tools that give an additional +2on disable device/open lock checks for a +4 total before any extra enhancement/enchantments
- Lesser/improved/greater essence of the guard, grants bonus's to spot/listen
- winged cape - page 177 races of eberron where it says many of them have been found. Grants flight (feather falling since no flight in ddo) & a minor wing buffet attack)
- Dragonshard Core - page 177 races of eberron grants lots of stuff like spell resistance immunities to various spells, & full healing from divine sources/double effect from repair spells plus an unlisted DM decides effect depending on the configuration (dump it in a stone of change with dragonshard to change configuration maybe?)
- Armbow - eberron campaign setting pg 268 - basically its a repeating light crossbow that fits over the arm acd creates 20 bolts/day(i.e. eternal wand sort of thing?) it's not capable of using bolts from other sources & additional bolts can be created at a cost of 1hp/bolt with additional enhancements to them ciosting extra HP.
- Tauric Belt - Page 270 eberron campaign setting - changes lower body of wf into a lion type thing (4 legs, lift more & harder to trip),& bumps size category (bunch of benefits from that like + 4 to trip attempts, different encumberance chart, etc), increases movement speed & gives strength/constitution bonus.