They call us The Ministry of Destruction, a covert squad of hit men and hit women employed by The Church of the Silver Flame to carry out their "dirty work". Despite the dark and ominous name and our chilling motto "Spread the Destruction", we do enjoy having fun on the side. We have scheduled weekly PvP matches, role playing sessions, group questing & raiding, chit-chatting, you name it! We are a helpful, team-focused group that love to play the game. We place alot of emphasis on teamwork, and have fun working together. Our current goals are to welcome new members into the guild, establishing a 24 hr presence on the server, and continue growing in guild renown (oh yeah, and of course take Stormreach by storm, what else?)
Currently, we are a medium-sized level 35 Guild with a player base of about 50 active players. We're predominately an American guild, and most of the members are mature players. The majority of the players are either P2P or VIP, but F2P-ers are just as welcome. Most of our officers have multiple characters and their level ranges vary widely so we can readily assist any level player in the game. We're slowly integrating raids into our schedules. (VON, DQ2, and GH currently; nearing the point of doing Shroud runs as a guild) We are looking for more players like this to work together with. We hope that you will come and join our core.
We are looking for hard working, fun-loving, active team players who are willing to help the other guild members out. All players are more than welcome to join our ranks. Member requirements are simple:
1) Be a team player
2) Be active
3) Have an obsession with killing moving objects
To get a guild invite, PM Cryowraith or send an in game mail to any/all of the following:
Cryowraith --- Guild Leader
Sentril --- Guild Officer
Cla --- Guild Officer
Enlist today, and start Spreading the Destruction!
For More Info go to: