I love the recent buffs to rogues, however, i do have a couple suggestions to improve them.
1st. Is the sneak atk while using a ranged weapon mechanic. Most of the time i find myself having to be in melee range to land a successful sneak atk. Shouldnt a rogue with point blank shot be able to sneak atk a target from 30 feet? It would be nice to get a little more sneak atk range.
2nd. I understand the smite construct skill. Despite its Irrelavance for a character built to be a mechanic the skill clearly says "Melee atks" and i accept it for what it is. However, wrack contruct says nothing about being limited to melee, and i believe rogues should be imbued with the knowledge and finness to wrack constructs from a distance.
3rd. OMFG!!!! thank you for the ability to create traps. Its ****in awsome and i love you. i just have a couple suggestions to make this ability even better. Can this ability be enhanced so that smarter rogues can assemble traps faster and make there triggered derations longer? As it stands now one rogues traps are no different from anothers besides Dc's. Would also be nice to get a consentration check when setting them up, really tet a rogue under pressure.
4th. You have given us the ability to add our Intel mod to our repeater dmg. Why not enable mechanics to mod thier Xbows? Im not talkin about letting rogues magicaly imbue their bolts with the power to slay anything in the game for 500dmg on a natural 20... no, that would be way to overpoweredIm just suggesting modding our Xbows so we can fire faster, reload faster, and increase our magazine size
lmao. Mechanics are frickin smart, we should be able to reinvent... no not reinvent "Modify" the gear
5th. The max i can get my Wrack contruct DC is 33, 35 if i gimp myself. Can you increase the DC of WrackII and Wrack III? Also im not sure if the fighter past life effects this. If it doesnt that sucks.
6th. Ranged weapons are buggy, fix them
7th. Actually read #6, let it soak in lmao
8th. ..... Seriously its been a while now, fix the pew pew weapons