Hi everyone. I have decided to finally make a HO character....and while it is tempting to play with a Carnifex early on .....I'm probably going to go with a quarterstaff build.
So I'm thinking of making a monk/fighter combo.
I like the nice AC options I get from the monk (not to mention easy DR early on with robes of invulnerability etc), and fists of light with just a few monk levels is also very nice. I haven't played for a few months but I think they changed wind stance to just be extra hits mainly now........so I might go with fire stance for the extra strength as well (and extra Ki generation)
The HO will give me +4 base strength and +6 (eventually) bonus damage with 2 handed weapons (Qstaff). I think I want at least enough fighter levels to get +2 strength, but probably want to go all the way to 12 for the Kensi II bonus etc.
So I probably want at least 12 fighter levels and 3 monk levels. Not sure what other mix I want from there to be honest. Can't add barbarian with monk sadly....and don't see any other class that adds a ton. I could go with more fighter levels, some rogue levels or just go with a pure 12 fighter/8 monk split.
Any suggestions, or any cool builds out there geared around a HO using Qstaves already (I looked in both the HO, monk and fighter forums with no luck.
Ps. I've always enjoyed Qstaff builds but havn't played much since the change to TWF speeds etc.