I realized I stockpile too much. Time to get rid of it.
Lookin for Reds, LDS n' plat.
Ring of the Djinn x2
Dusk Heart
Docent of Defiance -1tick 109/109
Bloodstone (New)
Bluefire Necklace
Helm of Freewill
Jinx's Vexation
Giantcraft Siberys Compass
Banner Cloak
Planar Gird x4
Cape of the Roc
Manacles of Ceaseless Toil
Ring of Baphomet
Dusty Rose Ioun Stone w/supp power
Boots of the Innocent 57/57
Jorgundal's Collar 79/79
Mysterious Ring
Cinder's Dance
Spec of Spirit Sight
Electric Haze
Ring of Stormreavers Prophecy
Mace of Smiting
Tyrzza's Bane x2
Sun Blade 93/93
+1 Holy Silver Falchion of PG
+1 Anarchic Khop of Greater Evil Outisder Bane
Greataxe of the Chained Soldier
Dwarven Throwers x2
+5 Frost Greatsword of Greater Dragon bane
+1 w/p rap
+1 Axiomatic Silver Kama of Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane
+1 Anarchic heavy mace of greater construct bane
Tortured Livewood Longbow
Dampened Greatclub of the Scrag
+1 Anarchic Battleaxe of Greater Evil Outsider Bane
+2 Banishing Rapier of Evil Outsider Bane
Garzuul's Bane
Hammer of Leaden Cloud
Muck Doom
+1 holy khop of lawful outsider bane
+1 Holy burst Greatsword of greater undead bane
+1 Axiomatic Greatsword of Greater Undead Bane
+1 holy burst maul of greater abberation bane
+3 holy burst silver warhammer of stunning +2
+3 Holy Khopesh of Greater Evil Outsider Bane