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  1. #1
    Community Member Daemonis's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Default Reference Post: 34.WF CON/STR Based A3

    Reference Post
    [For Guildies]

    Jagannath, a.k.a. “Juggernaut” is a 34.Warforged, True Neutral, CON and STR based, 600+ hp self buffed, GTWF Heavy LIT2 Pick, Assassin III (i.e., +17d6+20 damage sneak + inherent vorpal attack with each hand!), with (7) 30% haste boosts.

    Why would you choose Warforged over a max DPS HORC, Fighter Dilatant HELF, paper cannon Drow, or hairy Midget? Because Warforged are tied with Dwarf for best possible HP, they have immunities to free up equipment slots, have inherent Diehard feat as WF autostabilize, and benefit from both arcane/divine healing. Although not optimal use of the insane flanking sneak attack DPS, this build does dish out enough DPS head on with or without Radiance 2 with surprising HPs to main Tank in quests or raids.

    But where's the uber Past Life: Rogue feat? In my experience, I already have difficulty not claiming agro in quests/raids even with treat reduction gear on. As such, I’m having a hard time reconciling how doing even MORE damage will make the situation any better. I suppose auto-crit mobs would go down a bit faster with my LIT2 heavy picks. I didn’t want to have to fuss with Scrolling Master’s touch to use Picks, so I opted for the Martial Weapon Feat: Heavy Picks instead.

    Basic Starting Stats:
    I8 (or 10 if build)

    +2 Tomes in each stat.
    +5 Level up stat points into Strength.
    Skills (Ranks):
    Balance 5
    Tumble 1

    Social Skills:
    Bluff or Intimidate 23 (The former if you solo often and prefer to pick mobs off; the latter if you end up serving as a main tank from time to time).
    Diplo 23

    Hide 15
    MS 15

    Trap Smithing:
    Search 23
    DD 23
    OL 23

    Versatility (Can hit the 39 benchmark with gear/self buffs):
    UMD 23
    1) Toughness
    3) TWF
    6) Heavy Pick
    9) ITWF
    10) Rogue: Improved Evasion
    12) IC: Pierce
    13) Rogue: Opportunist
    15) GTWF
    16) Rogue: Skill Mastery
    18) Power Attack
    19) Rogue: Skill Mastery
    Assassin 3:
    Improve Hide II
    Improve MS II
    Subtle Backstabbing I
    Sneak Attack Accuracy IV
    Sneak Attack Training IV
    Damage Boost II
    Assassin III

    Haste Boost IV
    Action Boost II
    Skill Boost II
    Capstone: Deadly Shadows

    CON II
    Healers Friend II
    Inscribed Armor I
    Toughness IV
    BASIC Gear at End Game

    Weapon Cache*:
    Rapiers: Radiance 2, Mineral 2 or Icyburst Metalline of PG, Banishing, Smiting, and Icyburst Paralyzing of Maiming.
    Heavy Picks: Lightning 2, Earthgrab.
    Other: Holy of Greater Undead Bane Mace(s),and Anarchic of Greater Construct Bane (2) portal beaters.
    *Note: No need to equip vorpals as Assassin 3 prestige grants inherent vorpal attack on a natural 20 with any weapon wielded!

    Swappable Trap Smithing Gear: Boots of Innocent, HGF, Ventilated Bracers, DT Docent (+3INT Skills, +6INT), GS Air x3, Tharnes Goggles, Goggles DD+15, Gloves of Escape +15.

    DPS Mode
    Docent: DT (GFL, Corrosive Salt, Tharnes)
    Goggles: Tharnes
    Head: Minos (Heavy Fort, +20HP)
    Neck: <swappable> Draconic Necklace (GH Clicky), Diplomancy+15, Scourge Choker
    Trinket: Arrowhead (+2 to hit, +4 Seeker) when using rapiers or Bloodstone when using Heavy Picks.
    Cloak: GS AIR x3
    Belt: Ravager (+6CON, +2 seeker LOL)
    Boots: Madstone
    Wrist: Leviks (for +20% healing amplification)
    Gloves: <swappable> Upgraded Titan Grip, Chrono
    Ring 1: Earth Savant (+6CHA, +3Exceptional CON)
    Ring 2: Ravager (+9 STR, + chance for bleed DOT)

    Solo Mode
    Docent: DT (GFL, +1 Exceptional STR, Radiance)
    Goggles: GS Positive 3 (+6 to UMD and social skills)
    Head: Minos (Heavy Fort, +20HP)
    Neck: <swappable> Draconic Necklace (GH clicky), Golden Cartouche (+3 UMD), Bluff+15, Scourge Choker, Emerald Claw, Deaths Locket.
    Trinket: Arrowhead (+2 to hit, +4 seeker) when using rapiers
    Cloak: GS AIR x3
    Belt: Awanahu Sash (Assassin 3; +6CON, etc.)
    Boots: Divine power x20, Dustless, Jump/FF.
    Wrist: Leviks (+6STR, +20% healing amplification)
    Gloves: Upgraded Titan Grip, Chrono
    Ring 1: Earth Savant (+6CHA, +3Exceptional CON)
    Ring 2: Whisper (+6INT, +1Exceptional INT, +2Exceptional STR)

    Plan for EPIC Gear at End Game

    1) DT (Heavy Fort, Healing amp +20, Tharnes)
    2) DT (Heavy Fort, Healing amp +20, Radiance)
    3) DT (+3INT skills, +6INT)
    Goggles: <swappable> Tharnes, Epic Chrono, DD+15.
    Head: GS Air x3 (+45HP, +6 DEX skills, Air guard)
    Neck: <swappable> Diplomancy+15, Scourge Choker, Deaths locket.
    Trinket: <swappable> Bloodstone, HGF when trapsmithing.
    Cloak: Epic Chrono (+5 resistance, +7CON, etc.; GFL slotted)
    Belt: Ravager (+6CON, etc.)
    Boots: Madstone x5 sets
    Wrist: Epic Chrono (+20 HP slotted)
    Gloves: <swappable> Upgraded Titan Grip (regen health), Epic Chrono (etc., yellow slot), OL +15
    Ring 1: Earth Savant (+6CHA, +3Exceptional CON)
    Ring 2: Ravager (+9 STR; +chance for bleed DOT)

    +3 STR tome, +4 CON Tome; +2/+3 in others as acquired.

    End game stats, sans buffs, potions, or temporary item effects such as titan grip, Madstone, Scourge choker, etc.:

    S 16base +3tome +5level +9 TOD ring+3 profane => 36
    D 15base +3tome => 18
    C 20base +4tome +2WF CON 2, +7Cloak, +3CON TOD ring => 34

    Basic HP:
    120 Capped, pure class rogue.
    30 Heroic Durability and Draconic Vitality
    30 GFL
    45 GS AIRx3
    20 Toughness from slotted Epic Bracers.
    240 CON =>34
    22 Toughness feat
    40 WF Toughness IV
    547 base (usually questing with >600 HP with near perma Madstone, pots, etc.)
    Last edited by Daemonis; 01-22-2011 at 01:57 PM.
    Current Lineup: Daemonis, Jagannath, Engineered, & Nekromanteia

  2. 01-23-2011, 01:12 PM

  3. #2
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Why Icyburst on the Metalline of PG weapon?
    Which raid boss does not have a cold resistance of about 30? I'm asking this because I icybursted my boss beater, with not remarkable change in damage output in most situations where I used them and I consider this a mistake of myself. If you have a situation where the burst is worth it, I'd appreciate some input.
    Toons on Orien: Meinir // Flodur // Twiddler // Thorkar // Impetor // Juliacantor // Minor all Soko Irrlicht
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