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  1. #1
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    Default Trade advertising in the LFM window.

    Its becoming common again, and its annoying.

    I suggest whenever you see this you send a friendly tell saying "No thank you Im not trading." or "Thanks for asking but Im not trading now."

    Be polite but do it every time. Youre not harrassing the spammer because he went out of his way to put the add where you were looking and youre just politely responding.

    If everyone does this maybe sellers will stop.
    Wherever you went - here you are.

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero Vordax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dartwick View Post
    Its becoming common again, and its annoying.

    I suggest whenever you see this you send a friendly tell saying "No thank you Im not trading." or "Thanks for asking but Im not trading now."

    Be polite but do it every time. Youre not harrassing the spammer because he went out of his way to put the add where you were looking and youre just politely responding.

    If everyone does this maybe sellers will stop.
    It is a bannable offense (warnings are given first) to post trades in the LFM. You can just report them also if it annoys you a lot.


    Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. - Ronald Reagan

  3. #3
    Community Member Four20's Avatar
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    This, along with using the LFM board to recruit for their guild, is something i've been seeing on Orien a LOT lately.

    It sure is annoying to see that post up there for 30 minutes to an hour before turbine decides to give them a warning.

  4. #4
    Community Member cdemeritt's Avatar
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    Report them... They usually go away very quickly if you do...
    (Say): Haywire says, '"Hey, I don't come into yer home and play with things."'

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdemeritt View Post
    Report them... They usually go away very quickly if you do...
    Is that true for the "I need a ship invite to craft" LFM's?


  6. #6
    Founder & Hero Vordax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blueballs4u View Post
    Is that true for the "I need a ship invite to craft" LFM's?

    If someone is using the LFM for something other than creating a party then it is against the rules.


    Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. - Ronald Reagan

  7. #7
    Community Member BangsLiekWhoa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blueballs4u View Post
    Is that true for the "I need a ship invite to craft" LFM's?

    ^This gets really annoying...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cubethulu View Post
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    Look at the Ion stones on that!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by blueballs4u View Post
    Is that true for the "I need a ship invite to craft" LFM's?

    This one really remains a good and unanswered question. There is -no way- of getting onto another guild's ship without being in a party with someone of that guild. No way. Ergo you HAVE to form a party to do exactly this, so it can't be against the rules. If it is against the rules then Turbine needs to come up with a more specific list of exceptions to 'only for creating groups'.

  9. #9
    Community Member Rogann's Avatar
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  10. #10
    Community Member somenewnoob's Avatar
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    Happening a lot on Cannith too recently. I know you're not supposed to do it but didn't know it was banable. Guess I'll report some peeps if it keeps up, I hate spam......

  11. #11
    Community Member Emag's Avatar
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    1. Why is it such a issue for people to want to use someone else's boat? Crafting may need to be done ASAP, and they may be on timer for shroud. And not everyone has a high level guild. I actually find it more annoying that people think there boat is too holy for anyone but there own guild

    2. If those trade lfm's bother you so much, don't look at them. Reporting for that is weak.

    3. You know what's the lamest lfm's? "Private" "Insert Random Guild Name Here" That is what guild chat is for. That should be the real reportable offense just because of the shear stupidity.

    Edit: Oh, a neg rep for this? Lawl
    Last edited by Emag; 06-20-2011 at 09:48 PM.
    Soulless or Die.

  12. #12
    Community Member Viceious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emag View Post
    1. Why is it such a issue for people to want to use someone else's boat? Crafting may need to be done ASAP, and they may be on timer for shroud. And not everyone has a high level guild. I actually find it more annoying that people think there boat is too holy for anyone but there own guild

    2. If those trade lfm's bother you so much, don't look at them. Reporting for that is weak.

    3. You know what's the lamest lfm's? "Private" "Insert Random Guild Name Here" That is what guild chat is for. That should be the real reportable offense just because of the shear stupidity.

    Edit: Oh, a neg rep for this? Lawl
    + , nuff said

  13. 06-20-2011, 09:54 PM

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Emag View Post
    1. Why is it such a issue for people to want to use someone else's boat? Crafting may need to be done ASAP, and they may be on timer for shroud. And not everyone has a high level guild. I actually find it more annoying that people think there boat is too holy for anyone but there own guild

    2. If those trade lfm's bother you so much, don't look at them. Reporting for that is weak.

    3. You know what's the lamest lfm's? "Private" "Insert Random Guild Name Here" That is what guild chat is for. That should be the real reportable offense just because of the shear stupidity.

    Edit: Oh, a neg rep for this? Lawl
    Let me counter that with a +1. Think I got neg rep for saying the same thing some time ago about private LFMs lol. Also, it took me 2 days to get an invite on a ship to craft some greensteel a while back. I was asking on trade chat though, not posting a LFM. I'd get tells like "go shroud" or "there's tier 2 in amrath" when I asked for that one. Was obviously not flagged for Shroud at 11 and couldn't enter Amrath either for tier 2 because of the level requirement but I had shards and mats from previous lives. Funny how ships are off limit.

  15. #15
    Community Member Emag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    Let me counter that with a +1. Think I got neg rep for saying the same thing some time ago about private LFMs lol. Also, it took me 2 days to get an invite on a ship to craft some greensteel a while back. I was asking on trade chat though, not posting a LFM. I'd get tells like "go shroud" or "there's tier 2 in amrath" when I asked for that one. Was obviously not flagged for Shroud at 11 and couldn't enter Amrath either for tier 2 because of the level requirement but I had shards and mats from previous lives. Funny how ships are off limit.
    Anytime you need a boat, hit us up. It's always open homie.
    Soulless or Die.

  16. #16
    Founder vyvy3369's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    ...Was obviously not flagged for Shroud at 11 and couldn't enter Amrath either for tier 2 because of the level requirement but I had shards and mats from previous lives. Funny how ships are off limit.
    Unless they've changed it recently, the ship altars require you to be level 14 anyways. Edit: I suppose it's worth mentioning that I only tried the tier 1 altar and gave up. Tier 2 & 3 might have other requirements, but I rather doubt it.

    Edit2: I suppose to get back on topic...back when I could report, I'd report the trade ones all the time, and they'd go away. Most of the others seem to stick around. It's essentially spam - some people don't mind, others are annoyed by it.
    Last edited by vyvy3369; 06-20-2011 at 10:11 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by vyvy3369 View Post
    "Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.
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    All done with Completionist (again) and Epic Completionist. First character to 30 on Sarlona* (before the rollback).

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by vyvy3369 View Post
    Unless they've changed it recently, the ship altars require you to be level 14 anyways. Edit: I suppose it's worth mentioning that I only tried the tier 1 altar and gave up. Tier 2 & 3 might have other requirements, but I rather doubt it.

    Edit2: I suppose to get back on topic...back when I could report, I'd report the trade ones all the time, and they'd go away. Most of the others seem to stick around. It's essentially spam - some people don't mind, others are annoyed by it.
    I didn't have the required level for shards either, but the mats still all went in the altars and mixed to get what I wanted, at level 11 Dunno if it is WAI or not but it still worked. This was 2-3 months ago.

  18. 06-21-2011, 10:29 PM

  19. #19
    Community Member Dozen_Black_Roses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emag View Post
    1. Why is it such a issue for people to want to use someone else's boat? Crafting may need to be done ASAP, and they may be on timer for shroud. And not everyone has a high level guild. I actually find it more annoying that people think there boat is too holy for anyone but there own guild

    2. If those trade lfm's bother you so much, don't look at them. Reporting for that is weak.

    3. You know what's the lamest lfm's? "Private" "Insert Random Guild Name Here" That is what guild chat is for. That should be the real reportable offense just because of the shear stupidity.

    Edit: Oh, a neg rep for this? Lawl
    +1 to make up for someone's obvious touchiness as you touched their sore spot. Don't you dare ask to play with their shiny toys!

    Last edited by Dozen_Black_Roses; 06-20-2011 at 11:13 PM.
    Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).
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  20. #20
    Community Member Blank_Zero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emag View Post
    1. Why is it such a issue for people to want to use someone else's boat? Crafting may need to be done ASAP, and they may be on timer for shroud. And not everyone has a high level guild. I actually find it more annoying that people think there boat is too holy for anyone but there own guild

    When is crafting ever needed ASAP?

    2. If those trade lfm's bother you so much, don't look at them. Reporting for that is weak.

    They're still in violation. And it clutters my LFM screen.

    3. You know what's the lamest lfm's? "Private" "Insert Random Guild Name Here" That is what guild chat is for. That should be the real reportable offense just because of the shear stupidity.

    Just because you can't get in them doesn't make them stupid. At least the LFM is being used as intended.

    Edit: Oh, a neg rep for this? Lawl

    I didn't neg, but you are trolling.
    Smrti on Khyber

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