I send every single one of those people a tell politely informing them that what they are doing is against the rules and that if a GM sees them they could be suspended. I always get a response back "oh ty" then they take it down.
Problem solved.
I send every single one of those people a tell politely informing them that what they are doing is against the rules and that if a GM sees them they could be suspended. I always get a response back "oh ty" then they take it down.
Problem solved.
1. Quite simply, you didn't put in the work, we did. Focus on getting your level up instead of harassing us because we earned ours. You're not helping us maintain our guild level or pay for the buffs on it, why exactly do you find it annoying that we who earned our high level things would like you to earn your own and not spam us with let me use your boat tells and lfm's that clog up the lfm pages? Do you expect that if you don't work, but you're freinds do, they are required to let you use everything they buy with their hard earned money? It's the same thing. We worked, earned a perk, and if people want to use our perks, they can join us and help us to maintain them and earn even better ones, or they can leave us in peace and we will wish them well earning their own.
2. Reporting is how the rules that keep it a pleasant experience for everyone get enforced. It has nothing to do with weak or strong.
3. Some guilds have alliance groups that aren't all in the same guild to have access to the guild chat together, and not everyone knows about user defined channels. but they are being polite, trying to let you know it's a waste of your time to apply while attracting the attention of those who they do want, rather like when a certain class is wanted and others are removed from the lfm. And, at the end of the day, there is room for them since they are fulfililng the function of the lfm, which is to form a party to do a quest, not trade, sell, annoy/harass others, beg for boat perks (not needs, there is NOTHING on a boat that is absolutely necessary and we couldn't get done before boats) that you chose to join a guild that didn't earn it yet instead of applying to a guild with the things you want on it.
Turtel, Turtley Wrath, Tortoisse, Waterssong, Victerr Creed, Utahraptor, Velocaraptor, Minddancer, Loggerhead, Matamata, Sulcata, Ticerratops, Sierrann, Hankx, Shartelhane
Member of Highlords of Malkier! Help channel, everyone welcome in this channel!
Wondering if Souless is on a PR campaign? Dont worry guys that whole bromance drama that disappeared is gone from most memories and will be gone from mine after a few more raid nights.
if not and you like to help others that way good for you I am glad there are such nice charitable folks who worry about noo..er players who lack gear.
I dont worry about failed pugs anymore then again I am kinda spoiled now and admit to such so I dont really pug really dont have to and if I did and we fail Id question what I am doing wrong. Ive had a bad pug once this month and still won things because I dont allow others weakness overshadow my want to win.
Enough bragging since I dont own nor have an epeen, its simple to me that there will be those who like helping others and letting them on their boats. Then the others like me who think if you want it get it yourself. My guild and I worked for our levels I purchase with TP our altars so I definitely can be a wench when it comes to who gets on to use it. At least im up front about it neg rep or not.
Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic
Why would crafting need to be done ASAP except for impatience? THEIR Boat is for THEIR guild. Would you want someone hassling you to borrow something you worked hard to achieve?
If being reported bothers you so much, don't abuse the system. Trade channels, trade forums, AH are all there at your disposal.
To paraphrase you, "If those guild lfm's bother you so much, don't look at them."
A friend will bail you out of jail.
A mate will be sitting in there beside you saying "**** that was awsome!!!"
Unguilded of Orien
A friend will bail you out of jail.
A mate will be sitting in there beside you saying "**** that was awsome!!!"
Unguilded of Orien
To respond to three different people, crafting may need to be done ASAP. For example, just hit level 20, have epic gear waiting. No green/blue/violet slots and no item has heavy fort and none of your Eld runes have given you luck, but you have your newly free'd goggles slot open. What do you do? You make Mineral 2 goggles.
I can assure this is not a Soulless rant, but this is a rant about stupidity.
People act as if getting renown is some truly tough job. You get renown by questing/raiding and i'm sure all do that. Not that difficult or challenging.
PS: Also to make another point about using others boats, if the people in your party have better gear quicker wouldn't that make you in turn complete your goal, as well as there's, generally in a much faster manor.
Soulless or Die.
If only that tier 3 alter was umm...lvl 82?![]()
Guild leader of Soulless
I've still not figured out why people are so butthurt/worried about the LFMs, if it doesn't apply to you, ignore it. There is also a MAGICAL button that will allow you to only see lfm's you're eligible for. If it still brings up the trade/altar lfm's, see point one.
Much Love,
*BTW* I love letting people use our altars.....
Sithias ~ Darcath ~ Darccath ~ Darckath ~ Sithificer ~ Sithinator ~ Sithiuus
Why is it annoying? I usually see no LFMs. When I do, all the ones I see are annoying.
I don't spend a great deal of my time staring at the LFMs for entertainment purposes though.
/sadface all my posts got removed
Iplaye (20 - Bard) Alinosa (20 - Barb)
This one really remains a good and unanswered question. There is -no way- of getting onto another guild's ship without being in a party with someone of that guild. No way. Ergo you HAVE to form a party to do exactly this, so it can't be against the rules. If it is against the rules then Turbine needs to come up with a more specific list of exceptions to 'only for creating groups'.
Posting this here as people want to take things to PM"s, and play a private neg rep game, which is just sickening. What I said there I will say here, I am not afraid to speak my opinion.
I dont think the OP would ever say he is a "victim". This whole thing is childish, I believe in what I said. The neg rep comes from people who have way too thin skin, and abuse the rep system. I just magically got 2 neg rep hits for my post in this thread that wasnt inflammatory in the slightest. Why, because some people like to wave their epeen around. Does it really matter? No, I dont particularly care, nor does the persons that did it have much rep to wave, they did less damage then I got rep in my last positive rep, it just goes to show the touchiness. I just have to wonder do you and the other guild have some forum post to neg rep anyone who disagrees with your practices and supports threads that speak against them? Will I now be declined from raids I have regularly run with guild A and guild B ? Bit absurd indeed.
Here are my opinions in case you need to share them with your guild:
I believe in sharing altars/buffs on my ship, makes groups/raids easier whehter short term with the one you are running now, or in the future as people will be better prepared with better gear. We do not always have time to craft when running the shroud, these are amenities now available, why not use them. My guild and I worked hard getting our amenities also.
I do not believe in "private" lfms, unless it is to quickly reform a failed raid or to put two flagging groups together such as for EDQ. We all have guild chat, most of us have other sources such as teamspeak and vent, and there are private chat channels. That is what should be used to form up groups for quests or raids.
I do not believe in reporting those who do not share my opinion. We can agree to disagree, I won't get into a e-peen contest with you about it, and it does not turn my wagon wheels to report them.
I have continued to run with the three guilds we are talking about in this thread, as well as a zillion other guilds. Just because we disagree, it doesn't affect my game. This is not a life or death issue, its pixels in a game we play for entertainment.
My toons are listed in my sig, feel free to blacklist me, if my opinions offend you that much.
Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).@>---Fuhgly, Suzee, Blohnde, Shakkei, Redhawt, Sanctified, Punkrawk, Gaelsong, Deviliscious, Liethal----<@
Not really, hes right in that there really isn't that big of a deal from its. This is a game for adults, if you dont like what someone is posting, be an adult about it and ask them to stop or merely don't look at it if they dont remove it. Tattling to turbine is childish. Sure it might be what you're supposed to do if you're bothered that much, but really only you allow someone else to bother you, nobody's making you look at the post.
Alright, ready for the neg-rep train![]()
An opinion thread... love it. Guess I will throw mine out there to be spurn with hurtful comments and cry in a corner for a few days.
My guild has a rule to not let people on to craft/buff unless you know them. I may not agree with it, but I respect it. My honest opinion I could honestly care less, half the time I am too lazy/don't care enough to get the buffs myself. The 20hp from the +2 con shrine is nice, but not required to complete a goal that I completed 2000 times before the ship was introduced. Some people put too much stock in a buff that really doesn't mean anything. As for the alters... yeah... don't think I'ma put my opinion on that out their, it's just a game after all.
Eternal Wrath - Kages - Prototypes - Rest ful - Musei - Dizafrabdont - Enkou - Kagehissori - many more"To be human is to have the freedom to control one's own fate." ~Karl Marx~
I think I got a +1 to the peeps here, whom I actually enjoy running with, who got negged.
/good samaratain act done for the day
I have no issues inviting peeps I know to our boat. We are only lvl 62 presently, but have 2 of the 3 Shroud altars. If you are rolling with me and need an invite, consider it done.
If you hit my LFM for an In Progress quest and ask for an invite, I'm dumping your ass asap.
The whole LFM thing for trades, I feel /meh about it. Doesn't really bother me, but for some reason, the whole "private" LFM thing really twists my short hairs. I don't know why, but it just does.
How hard is it to change the MoD on your Guild Tab, put out an announcement and just move forward with it? /srsly