We didn't know about this section so we posted the OP in the Cannith Forums Section. We provide a link to that section so that this achievment can be stored here in the right section.
3 Men EVoN6: Fiujin, Leohand-1, Uriziem.
We didn't know about this section so we posted the OP in the Cannith Forums Section. We provide a link to that section so that this achievment can be stored here in the right section.
3 Men EVoN6: Fiujin, Leohand-1, Uriziem.
Guild Leader of "GODS - Guardians Of the Dragon Sanctuary" on Cannith --- My Characters: Zavarthak (20 Barbarian Frenzied/Ravager DPS - MAIN), Ryumajin (Warlock,), Leohands (Evocation FVS firstlife), Galvano (Paladin TWF). - If you like or find useful my posts, consider adding reputation.