If you are new/inexperienced/whatever to a raid and are not capable of performing assigned jobs try speaking up.
That is all
If you are new/inexperienced/whatever to a raid and are not capable of performing assigned jobs try speaking up.
That is all
Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine
I'm new to raids ... can you hold my hand please Morfane ?
Deijah / Deijara / Deijanna / Deijora / Deijaugh
Ornery and Loving it.
I agree, though you guys do have a rep for being fairly intolerant of newbishness. If I were new in a supremacy raid I would prolly be hesitant to speak up. Though since Im not new, I also know that new people will be caught, and its better to speak up then it is to get caught with your pants down.
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
If someone will honestly speak up and let me know that they don't know what they are doing I am more than willing to spend time explaining, whether through voice chat or tells. The intolerantcy comes in to play when people refuse to speak up even after I ask "Is anyone new to this instance"?. I say that not to be intimidating or anything, just because it sucks to be left in the dark when doing something you may be inexperienced at.
Morfane - Cealest - Naphor - Sofu - Nairs - Morphaine
Too late. The DDO veteran community has a terrible reputation as far as welcoming new people is concerned. Especially concerning raids. I think many people are afraid to speak up being that they are afraid of getting booted just because they are new or because of a lack of uber gear. A much deserved reputation IMO.
Sorry, but from my experience, this is incorrect. I have NEVER once been turned down from a raid because I was new. And, I am one of those who will say I am new. I even go so far as to send the raid leader a tell that I am new and are they accepting newbies. Again, not one single time have I been denied because of this.
DDO and especially Sarlona are known as very welcoming, from my experience.
Main: Castagir (completionist), officer of the Fighting Clowns of Sarlona. Alts: Modric, Modrich, Kristna and others.
It's not newbishness we're intolerant of. Its n00bishness. I have not once turned someone down for it being their first time running a quest. I have also always, having been informed that its their first time, gave out the necessary instructions to accommodate either their desire to experience it fresh or to be instructed on the necessary roles.
If, however, we ask if everyone is alright with their roles and knows whats up, and someone doesn't speak up, and fails in a manner that can only happen due to not knowing whats going on... well... you're about to get lit up.
I don't know, I see lots of newbies on raids all the time. The frustration to me is when we're with people who aren't educated, or just won't listen. IE the 10 con fighter multi with no con item running shroud. Or the WF who's trying to tank sully with a tier 2 GS, 25% fort and won't listen to us when we try to tell him where he needs to take Sully to.
Do you have to be uber geared to raid? no, but you should make every effort to be geared well enough to contribute, and be smart enough to listen. Actually I did have a talk with said fighter, hopefully they'll improve their gear, said WF ignored everything being asked, said just complained about wantint to tank sully in ToD.
I’m not so sure about this.
Thanks to Supremacy leading particularly long and painful training abbot /w legit tiles
a lot of people (like me) are now able to reliably say “Yes, I can goggles”.
Morfane/Naphor also helped explain kiting ToD after a particular terrible attempt on
my part. (of note, I did tell Intervention I had no clue how to do it)
While I’m not new to raiding in general (even able to solo several of them), these
two situations were rather frustrating gaps in my knowledge.
It’s rather amazing the amount of patience these guys possess.
Yes supremacy recently made a push to teach people legit tiles. That does not discount the fact that for a long time now they have been fairly intolerant of people making newb/noobish mistakes. Supremacy has long had an attitude of we are good, deal with it.
Im not saying they dont help people, or are total aholes, im not saying i havent done/did the same things, im saying that supremacy has long had an attitude of not putting up with newb/noob behavior. There is nothing new about it. There is nothing bad about it. But dont be surprised when new people are afraid to speak up when in a group of people that all play the game at a high level and arent afraid to let others know it. Thats all.
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
I am extremely intolerant of noob behaviour, I am extremely tolerant of newbies, and have spent more than 6 hours per person per incident to teach them the basics (when appropriate), so I can understand where they're coming from.
Their reputation is probably undeserved, as is most vets in general, who tend to have a similar outlook.
- You join a group that says "know quest" without a clue? Yah you're going to get lit up.
- You join a VoD or Hound or Shroud Elite and don't have the slightest clue? Unless you cleared it first with the group leader, yah...
On the other hand, you ask for people to help you out, and I've seen many people, myself included really go out of our ways to help NEWBIEs out. But I'll be damned if I help or want noobs in my groups.
It won't be just supremacy who will do this you know, last I checked we all/most of us did.
Last edited by Solmage; 01-23-2011 at 06:26 PM.
Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.
I agree here, I have only been turned down from a raid twice for being new, and I actually understood why. It was ToD and they needed a kiter( I was on my wizard) and I had no idea yet how to do it or that it was what I needed to do. I have since watched the videos and learned, and have had 3 runs where I got to see someone else do it. Other than that, which again I stress I was not upset and agreed with the reason, I have never been turned away from a quest or raid from being new. Then again, I do learn fast so that might help![]()
You seemed to enjoy restating "Supremacy, bad rep due to their behaviour" so I figured you'd want to have the other stuff you did leave out restated.
So, in short so it's nice and easy to comprehend: Vets, in general, bad rep, mostly undeserved, and not a valid excuse for not speaking up.
But if you insist I bet I can find other stuff to restate.
Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.
Hasn't this come up before? I think the forums is probably what's keeping the game going on strong.
It's all in the presentation of the question.
Standing in a line and trying to point out the new guy tends to intimidate people. Like in school, workplace etc. People don't like to be forced to admit they're new/noob, even if they are.
Just rephrase the question, in a casual tone - "So has everyone done this raid before?". Instead of asking people to step up, folks who did it will say they did and you can count those who haven't.
I know it's hard to believe, but the folks behind the characters are real people and sometimes just adjusting the way you present yourself/ask a question will work wonders.![]()