Looking for:
Superior Potency VI Kama (No RR plz)
DR Breaking Khopeshs
Scroll of the Sword of Shadow
Scourge Choker
Major Mnemonic Pots
Willing to trade:
Scroll of the Zephyr
Scroll of the Necklace of Azure Prophecy
Scroll of the Necklace of Crimson Prophecy
Scroll of the Elyd Edge x2
Scroll of the Chimera's Crown x3
Scroll of the Kundarak Delving Suit x3
Scroll of the Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets
Scroll of the Docent of Grace
Scroll of the Stonemeld Plate
Scroll of the Brimstone Verge x2
Scroll of the Big Top
Scroll of the Blademark's Docent
Scroll of the Adeherant's Pendant x2
Scroll of the Staff of Nat Gann x2
Scroll of the Robe of Dissonance
Scroll of the Infested Armor
Scroll of the Golden Greaves
Scroll of the Flint
Scroll of the Goggles of Time-sensing
Large Eberron Dragonshard x1
Blue Dragon Scale x1
Black Dragon Scale x2
White Dragon Scale x1
Shield: Fragment One
Shield: Fragment Two
Shield: Fragment Eight
Gloves of the Falcon
Robe of the Magi (the named one from Litany)
+5 Mithral Full Plate
+5 Mithral Tower Shield
+5 Mithral Heavy Shield
+5 Bodyfeeder Khopesh of PG (ML:16)
+1 Seeker +4 Handwraps of Stunning +10 (ML:14)
+1 True Law Handwraps of Stunning +10 (ML:12)
+4 Metalline Cold Iron Kama of PG (ML:12)
+5 Anarchic Burst Khopesh of Pure Good (ML:18)
+5 Crippling Silver Dwarven Axe of Pure Good (ML:12)