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  1. #1
    Community Member Jiirix's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Talking Best Weapons against oozes and slimes

    I want to get the best weapon against oozes and tried to gather as much information as I could get. Did I get everything right? (EDIT: updated this post with the information from the many answers. So you don't have to read the whole thread )

    Thank you for the many responses. I summarized my first post with all your tips and hints:

    - any weapon not made of glass or everbright will take serious damage when fighting an ooze or slime (but not cubes)
    - a weapon that isn’t a blunt one may cause the ooze/slime to split
    - lighting damage can split some oozes
    - the splitted oozes have lower hp and are easier to kill with AoE’s
    - Handwarps don’t take damage form oozes and slimes
    - Throwing weapons don’t take damage from oozes
    - ooze bane doesn’t come with everbright cause both are suffixes (darn)
    - Oozes and slime have various elemental immunities (look at the post of Depravity further down).
    - DDO wiki says all oozes and slimes are neutral, only the named ooze Avatar of Jubilex seems to be lawfull evil.
    - True law and true chaos should work on all oozes and slimes
    - holy, aciomatic, arnachic don’t work on oozes and slimes
    - oozes and slimes have low saves and stats and can be paralyzed and ability drained in non epic quests
    - they have low ac, dual wielding at oozes don’t need twf feats, you’ll hit them easily without
    - vorpals don’t work (no head to cut off)
    - bleeding and Screaming works

    Named ooze beaters are:
    - Muckbane (+1 glass club, lesser ooze bane, from Muck in durk got a secret, easy to get)
    - Muckdoom (+2 glass club, ooze bane, from Avatar of Jubilex in the pit)
    - Shining Devastation (+5 everbright greatclub, force, from litany of the dead)
    - Phosphor (+5 Heavy Mace, Sunburst, Everbright, Righteous, Impact, turn in reward for the tome of untold legends
    -Shrieking star (+2 glass mornigstar, roaring)
    - Souleater (made of crystal) as long as the mob hasn't deathward

    Oozes and slimes are immune/ resistant to: (Chard by Depravity)

                                 Energy Type:
    Ooze       Acid    Cold    Elec    Fire    Force   Sonic   Disintegrate
    Arcane     Absorb  Immune  Immune  Immune  Immune  Immune  Damage
    Black      Damage  Damage  Damage  Damage  Damage  Damage  Damage
    Cube       Damage  Damage  Immune  Damage  Damage  Damage  Damage
    Gray       Damage  Immune  Damage  Immune  Damage  Damage  Damage
    Ochre      Damage  Damage  Resist  Damage  Damage  Damage  Damage
    Violet     Damage  Damage  Damage  Damage  Damage  Damage  Damage
    There are several good options to deal with oozes:
    - Greater oozebane handwarps
    - Greater oozebane throwing hammers
    - Dual wielded muckbanes/dooms or Phosphors
    - Dual wielded everbright maces or hammers
    - Shinning Devastation or an other everbright two handed blunt weapon
    - Good prefixes are: Paralyzing, true law, true chaos, weakening, force, screaming
    - if you can afford it you can put force and frost rituals on your ooze beaters
    - Sunflasks, Wand of Searing Light
    - disintegrate

    For me the best weapons against oozes and slimes seem to be paralyzing handwarps of greater ooze bane. Force rital and risa ice work on these, but would be overkill I think.

    If you don't want to use an itemslot only for an ooze beater you could look for a multi use weapon like a ghost touch adamantine maul of everbright. (would be good on oozes, slimes, rust monsters, golems and incorporeal mobs) Such a all-in-one beater can be created with the new crafting system. Everbright and ghost touch have both a low crafting level.
    Last edited by Jiirix; 08-19-2011 at 03:31 AM.
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