Did we all not need the same at one time? Honestly? Do we let the lessons stop with us? The info others gave us, do we become so greedy that we can't pass that on?
We all needed help at one time, no one started this game a master, and thus, like we learned, and grew, from the kindness of those before us, so, yes, we owe a debt of kindness to help others that come after us.
You don't fight for the weak links, you help temper them and make them stronger.Anyways, fighting for the weakest link seems silly if the weakest link is truly useless.
But none of that matters: My Question Remains:
Why does this Practice of Linking BB's start at Shroud?
Why not at TS? I mean, to be fair, why not at Church in the Cult (your first real run in with needing a DR breaking Boss Mob)
Most times it's "have your silver weapons ready" but maybe requiring a linking of Silver to get in, might be a good idea, as no one reads the LFM (as per some of the other more funnier threads have pointed out)