Shroud normal (and even hard) can easily be done without BBs and without having the
healers to use SP potions. (At least if ppl have decent builds and some gear.) The only
real reason i would really want to have a BB for is elite.
But who in their right mind would pay 1.5 mil for a +4 metalline Khopesh of pure good?
Compare that to the price of large scales (the only really rare thing you need for Min II).
It's an insane price for a good but not superuber item!
Don't be fooled! You don't need these items to farm for your min II on normal! No healer
has to use potions on normal runs if group members dont play as if they BBed their brain.
There is no reason to ask for BBs. Raid leaders stop supporting this madness!
I won't heal groups anymore that ask for BBs on normal runs.
Greetings Iphigen