New guy here looking for some advice. I tend to like to play fighter/mage combo's. I like the idea of being able to self buff and have some offensive spells to weaken enemies as they approach, but having the ability to hit in melee and avoid getting hurt. Not too much to ask, eh? Basically I like to play the "spellsword" types. I tend to favor high AC. As such, I have a few questions.
1) What is a good AC here? How high does it need to be to avoid most attacks at level 10? At Level 20?
2) What is a good AB (after base + stat + weapon bonus added together)?
3) Are dex based (weapon finesse) types good here? Can they do enough damage at 20th?
4) What is generaly better; getting high AC, or more DR?
With that in mind, my idea is a dex based type (weapon finesse) build. I tend to like elves, but that isn't set in stone. Right now I'm building a ranger/wizard (currently rgr4/wiz2) with the idea of going rgr12/wiz8 at 20. The plan being two weapon fighting (using an extended sheild spell to give a shield AC bump) along with displacement, fire shield, etc. However, I also like the idea of a fighter/wiz combo for getting the bonus feats (two wpn fighting, weapon spec for extra damage). So once I hit 20, if I restart this build, I might do that.
Any advice, or build plans would be appreciated.