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  1. #41
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sainy_matthew View Post
    Really? Walkup means the quest giver gives you the quest & then its straight in? I didn't know that & i bet a whole heap of people here didn't know that... So heres an answer to the OP's question. Stop being so fraking picky & stop writing your entire life history in the LFG page... In fact that goes for everyone. LFG is for people to group, I dont want to read through everyones list of specifications, of which 50% is just your personal bias & has nothing to do with the quest specifications. Except for in a raid or the pit, how is "know quest" really helpful? If i don't know the quest i just do as i'm told. Its pretty darn simple, especially if your playing a fighter, a barbarian, a mage, or a cleric. Heck any class that isn't the trap finding focused rogue can easily play follow the leader without knowing anything about the quest.
    Woah stop the train. 50% of which is personal bias? If its only 50% then I failed.

    When I put up an LFM, 100% of what I am asking for is personally biased to how I want the group to run. This is how selective grouping works. When selective grouping fails is when we see these wonderful little threads pop up on the forums moaning about how zergers suck, sitting right next to the other thread moaning about how the LFM clearly had zerg BYOH in it. Random PUG runs walk ups, hilarity ensues. Film at 11.

    Selective grouping for the win.

    If I want to zerg plow quests and can select 5 other people who want to do the same to join my group - WIN.
    If I want to use stealth and tactics, and can find 5 other people who have the patience to do this - WIN.

    If I want to zerg plow quests, and throw up an LFM and basically accept the first 5 people who hit me up to join, this will likely result in a three people wanting to stick together, two people wanting to zerg, and one person who cant find the quest and doesnt know what "walk up" means. FAIL.

    I am starting to learn that whenever I bring this lack of communication and lack of selective grouping up, hilarity ensues because alot of players think this is some kind of personal attack, when I or others are basically saying "this is what we want our group to be like. Do you fit that description? Yes or No." Theres nothing personal about it. If you dont want to zerg plow the quest, when its clearly marked as such, dont hit up the LFM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  2. #42
    Community Member Vindicatus's Avatar
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    sainy_matthew, you exhibit a type of personality and mentality with which I wish to disassociate myself while playing DDO. If you game on Sarlona, please be so kind as to list your characters so that I can blacklist them now to prevent possible future annoyance.
    Last edited by Vindicatus; 01-21-2011 at 12:20 PM.
    "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." Conan the Cimmerian

  3. #43
    Community Member Aeolwind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoopid_cowboy View Post
    I do that all of the time! I beleive every lvl20 character in EW has Cannith Crystal. When doing guild raids that quest is shared every time someone says "shr plz".
    Now if I could just figure out how to share Miller's Debt....

    Cracks me up every time I see your Cannith Crystal "Raids" in the LFM panel too. I always wonder how many new (not noob) players click on that expecting to get into a Korthos group though lol.
    Aeolwind (5/12) - 18 Sorc/1 Art | Melisandria - 20 Fighter SD | Anlona - 20 cleric RS

  4. #44
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdemeritt View Post
    When I click an LFM, especially for a raid, I understand sometimes the raid leader is bombarded with tells, Guild chat, User Chats, Vent, Etc. etc. or even go AFK while people cue up.... It can be a few minutes of chaos, so I am patience to a point... just because I don't get an immediate Accept or Decline doesn't bother me... I watch the list... if however more than 5 minutes have passed, and I see some people have been accepted but I still haven't... I get annoyed but go do something else.. no point in getting upset... If they don't want me, that's there loss... I just hate it when 15 minutes later I get *ding (Party): You have joined XXXXX's party, after I've long forgotten about the LFM and am soloing something...
    I'm the same way, if it's been a bit, and I can tell the group is filling then I get somewhat annoyed they could be bothered to just hit decline. Declining me really doesn't bother me, not one bit. Holding me in the lfm queue until you fill 15 minutes later, yeah, that's annoying. But at that point, i'm already off doing something else when the xxx declined you because they're group is now full shows up.

  5. #45
    Community Member Aurora72's Avatar
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    This thread reminds me of a story. One night, back when I was leveling my TR (read: a long time ago), I ended up feeling bored and pointed out that the stuff I and the person I was with were duoing wasn't nearly painful enough for my masochistic tastes. So, after some prodding, I convinced him to put up a LFM and get 4 random people to come slow us down (pretty sure those were my exact words, honestly). The LFM said something to the effect of "Doesn't matter if you're new, doesn't matter if you suck, just pike at the entrance for all we care; JUST DON'T DIE!". Not exactly that, but it made the point pretty clear. We were running Tomb of the Blighted I think...something in Necro III at any rate. Anyway, we start the quest and random people start biting. Everything is going well until some random sorc (or wizard...some brand of caster-type) zones in, and suddenly his HP just drop. Hell he just...dies. In one of the Necro III thingies. On normal. Yeah. Then, to add insult to injury (apparently), he somehow found a shrine and rezzed himself, only to die again, this time even faster.

    Then the guy types into party chat something to the effect of "Guys! There are oozes camping the entrance!". I didn't even know how to respond. One of the other random people, who HAD read the LFM lectured him a bit or something...I wasn't really paying attention. In the end, we finished the quest. The other people stayed put like good little pile-ons, which was more or less exactly what we had asked for. But the moral of the story? Even when the instruction is "pike at the entrance for free XP and loot", people still get it wrong. Reading is hard, apparently.

    As to why I asked to do this at all? I'm not sure...I guess I was feeling masochistic. But the end result was "never again", and I went back to being elitist. I'm mean like that, or something.
    Minari (I think she's a druid now...)
    Assorted alt characters of little note. For now...
    Now with forum access! (Yay?)

  6. #46
    Community Member stoopid_cowboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeolwind View Post
    Cracks me up every time I see your Cannith Crystal "Raids" in the LFM panel too. I always wonder how many new (not noob) players click on that expecting to get into a Korthos group though lol.
    Ahh, so you have seen my LFM's?
    Still, with a bogus LFM posted like that for obvious reason, random people STILL click it.

    random player1: I saw you only wanted level 20's. I wanted to run whatever EPIC raid you were doing.
    Me: Uhh, I am forming a guild HoX. Move along... /denied

    random player2: I know Cannith Crystal is a joke. What raid are you doing? I wanna come.
    me: really? you would join a group and NOT know what quest is forming? No thanks /denied

    the best ever! LFM "All barbarian Shroud!" only barb symbol highlighted.
    Sorc /denied
    cleric /denied
    fighter /denied
    monk /denied
    /tell monks tells you: What if I use a great axe? Then could I come?
    me: do you have a barb symbol by your name?
    monk: No, but I will use barb weapons?
    me: No /squelch on Xxmonkxx

    Gotta love it

    Quote Originally Posted by KookieKobold View Post
    I guess pants can be optional

  7. #47
    Community Member Yellfor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoopid_cowboy View Post
    Ahh, so you have seen my LFM's?
    Still, with a bogus LFM posted like that for obvious reason, random people STILL click it.

    random player1: I saw you only wanted level 20's. I wanted to run whatever EPIC raid you were doing.
    Me: Uhh, I am forming a guild HoX. Move along... /denied

    random player2: I know Cannith Crystal is a joke. What raid are you doing? I wanna come.
    me: really? you would join a group and NOT know what quest is forming? No thanks /denied

    the best ever! LFM "All barbarian Shroud!" only barb symbol highlighted.
    Sorc /denied
    cleric /denied
    fighter /denied
    monk /denied
    /tell monks tells you: What if I use a great axe? Then could I come?
    me: do you have a barb symbol by your name?
    monk: No, but I will use barb weapons?
    me: No /squelch on Xxmonkxx

    Gotta love it

    AND all that is ALMOST as much fun as this:

    Me running a new 3 lvl Cleric...

    <Player> /Tell Want to run some Kothos quests on elite with us?
    <Me> Sure

    I join group

    <Me> What quest are we doing?
    <Player> Trying to set up Cannith Crystal Raid.

    Drop group.... /Squelch player
    Please try to remember THIS IS JUST A GAME!! So have FUN, LAUGH, and ENJOY YOURSELVES.
    I try to understand what others mean, NOT just what they say! Failing that I still try to keep an open mind about all things. And YES, everyone has the right to be wrong, ignorant, and just plain stupid, (this includes myself.) BUT that doesn't mean I have to like it.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    Note: I know not everyone does what I'm about to talk about, but it's ridiculous how often it happens. Don't feel targeted if you can read an LFM I decided to run some groups and this was the LFM.

    So I get a request...I accept, and I quickly see these words "share plz"

    Okay, usually I wouldn't really care that much, I can understand that in some places it would take more time to go grab the quest and that sharing would be quicker. Problem is...these are walk-up quests and the LFM said "know quests". So I kicked the guy and I quickly got a tell that goes like this...

    "why you dismiss me for asking for a share so I dont have to find the right questgiver? -.- well welcome to my squelch"

    So, obviously he did not know "know quest" as LFM said or he would have known he would have got the quest as he walked up to it.

    I thought reading the LFM is the least someone can do before clicking a group on the list. I thought it was a simple thing to do but I guess I was wrong. So, why can't you read the LFM before joining a group? Why do you ask "what quest" when it's on the LFM. Why do you cry when you don't get buffs/heals when it's written "byoh/zerg". Why? WHY?

    Please, learn to read the ****ing LFM.
    MAYBE said person didn't understand what "walkups" meant.
    A master of appearances.
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  9. #49
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainCameo View Post
    MAYBE said person didn't understand what "walkups" meant.
    Umm, isnt that kinda the point of the thread?
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
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  10. #50
    Community Member LazyTigerLily's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainCameo View Post
    MAYBE said person didn't understand what "walkups" meant.
    And if they don't know what a walkup is then they probably don't "Know the quest" either, right? Thanks for trying though CaptianObvious

  11. #51
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    Please, learn to read the ****ing LFM.
    Learn to R-E-L-A-X.

    Someone can be familiar with a quest, like me, and not remember which NPC gives it or whether it is a walk up.

    I'll usually check my previous quests to see if I can find the NPC, or I might even check the wiki, but if I don't, I'll usually ask "which guy gives the quest again?"

    But is it really that big a deal to share the quest? I know this one was a walk up, but why would asking to share the quest actually anger anyone?

  12. #52
    Community Member Postumus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoopid_cowboy View Post
    Ahh, so you have seen my LFM's?
    Still, with a bogus LFM posted like that for obvious reason, random people STILL click it.

    random player1: I saw you only wanted level 20's. I wanted to run whatever EPIC raid you were doing.
    Me: Uhh, I am forming a guild HoX. Move along... /denied

    random player2: I know Cannith Crystal is a joke. What raid are you doing? I wanna come.
    me: really? you would join a group and NOT know what quest is forming? No thanks /denied

    Gotta love it


    You post fake LFMs trolling for people so you can deny them and then make fun of them on the forums?

    Nope. Don't love that. I find it boring.

  13. #53
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    Learn to R-E-L-A-X.

    Someone can be familiar with a quest, like me, and not remember which NPC gives it or whether it is a walk up.

    I'll usually check my previous quests to see if I can find the NPC, or I might even check the wiki, but if I don't, I'll usually ask "which guy gives the quest again?"

    But is it really that big a deal to share the quest? I know this one was a walk up, but why would asking to share the quest actually anger anyone?
    I don't get angry when people open a conversation with "shr plz". I'm actually quite happy that they identify themselves immediately as a complete waste of a character slot in the party so that I can drop them and replace with someone who won't be a wasteful drain on party resources.

    If someone starts the conversation with a greeting and then asks "which guy gives the quest again?" then I have a reasonable assurance that the player will actually show some level of competance and effort while inside the quest.

  14. #54
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yellfor View Post
    AND all that is ALMOST as much fun as this:

    Me running a new 3 lvl Cleric...

    <Player> /Tell Want to run some Kothos quests on elite with us?
    <Me> Sure

    I join group

    <Me> What quest are we doing?
    <Player> Trying to set up Cannith Crystal Raid.

    Drop group.... /Squelch player
    Some of my favorite runs through anything on Argo were when I hit a level 17-20 LFM that said only "We buyed this on the Ebay" with no quest listed. The group was outstanding and more fun than any other Shroud I've done before or since.

  15. #55
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainCameo View Post
    MAYBE said person didn't understand what "walkups" meant.
    Maybe said person also needed to learn English to understand what "know quests" means - had he known the quests, he would have known what a walkup is.
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  16. #56
    Community Member ninjaeli's Avatar
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    shr plox durpdurp

  17. #57
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    The best is when you're in progress, stated by the LFM, and one of the people who joins asks how to get there, and if someone can lead them.

    Yeah. I'm already 3/4 of the way done. Let me just recall, reform, and hold your hand to get you to the right place. Or better yet, not reform, and take a 10% XP hit for Reentry.


    There are short bus days and fast like lightning days. If we don't feel like short bus, the LFMs reflect that in the nicest way possible.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    You post fake LFMs trolling for people so you can deny them and then make fun of them on the forums?

    Nope. Don't love that. I find it boring.
    No, I post specific LFM's to organize guild only raids. Beleive it or not, LFM page still works very good for organizing guild events.
    When someone not part of my guild joins with NO CLUE, they get denied. Sometimes they are also used as an example on the forums.
    Why do I get the feeling you are one of the folks I denied?


  19. #59
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blueballs4u View Post
    No, I post specific LFM's to organize guild only raids. Beleive it or not, LFM page still works very good for organizing guild events.
    When someone not part of my guild joins with NO CLUE, they get denied. Sometimes they are also used as an example on the forums.
    Why do I get the feeling you are one of the folks I denied?

    Wife/Friend's forum account Yuda? :P Don't forget to check who you're posting as.

    Quote Originally Posted by Postumus View Post
    You post fake LFMs trolling for people so you can deny them and then make fun of them on the forums?

    Nope. Don't love that. I find it boring.
    But still.. what he said.

    We've actually *done* all Barbarian Shrouds, and used Cannith Crystal as an LFM for something else. They're legitimate raids getting put up under a false name to PREVENT this type of random guy off the street clicking on it. His point was some people are so mental that they'd rather click on a raid group forming for the Cannith Crystal than they would start their own party.
    Last edited by TheDearLeader; 01-22-2011 at 02:55 PM.

  20. #60
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    We've actually *done* all Barbarian Shrouds, and used Cannith Crystal as an LFM for something else. They're legitimate raids getting put up under a false name to PREVENT this type of random guy off the street clicking on it. His point was some people are so mental that they'd rather click on a raid group forming for the Cannith Crystal than they would start their own party.
    Hey, have you guys ever tried "Pirate King Raid, only experienced and flagged please" in the lfm to see what happens?
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

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