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  1. #21
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddo4u View Post
    I am thinking that most of the people who can not, or will not read LFMs, also can not, or at least do not read the forums. Just Sayin' .
    but they could be mailed a link to this message from an alt from the OP... just saying =)

    Quote Originally Posted by KillEveryone View Post
    I completely understand.

    Good luck getting people to read the LFM though.
    At least you get them to not join your groups. It's a small victory, but one has to start somewhere. Today, moronless pugs, tomorrow, basic literacy! (ok, probably not)
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  2. #22
    Community Member SardaofChaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solmage View Post
    At least you get them to not join your groups. It's a small victory, but one has to start somewhere. Today, moronless pugs, tomorrow, basic literacy! (ok, probably not)
    That may actually have to happen in the opposite order. With a couple more steps added in. And youth training camps. Lots of youth training camps.

  3. #23
    Community Member LazyTigerLily's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SardaofChaos View Post
    That may actually have to happen in the opposite order. With a couple more steps added in. And youth training camps. Lots of youth training camps.
    Hahaha think of the stories that could come of that. "This one time at DDO camp..."

  4. #24
    Community Member Spookyaction's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Especially if the LFM states 16-19, then you should definately be inviting 20s, because according to the logicians, theres no absolute logical reason why that group should be excluding 20s.

    This thread definately lacks the entertainment value of the last LFM thread, heh.
    Indeed it does. Its not so ambiguous =)

  5. #25
    Founder vyvy3369's Avatar
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    I kind of experienced the flip side of this tonight, and was fairly amused, so I'd just like to point out that people putting up LFMs also need to know what's going on. I saw a Sins LFM with a comment along the lines of "need a DPS", so I attempted to join on Henry (currently a str-based assassin for anyone who hasn't seen me around lately). I receive the following tell:

    (Tell): Person A tells you, 'hey all rdy have a rogue but if u have good weaps u can come we need dps u using greensteeles?'

    Followed pretty much immediately by an automatic decline, and another tell stating that they just got someone else. I /facepalmed, thought about telling him I have almost an entire bank tab full of unused GS, but just went about soloing instead. A minute or so later apparently their rogue dropped, and he sent me another tell asking if I still wanted to join. By the end of the quest it was roughly 100 kills for me, 100 kills for everyone, I realize that's not always a good indication of DPS, but come on - the guy was even intimidating everything, so I can only imagine how much faster that would've gone if the other rogue had stuck around. Anyways, it ended up being a pretty good group, but it's just funny how people still only want a max of one rogue in a group.
    Quote Originally Posted by vyvy3369 View Post
    "Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.
    - Henry Jones, Sarlona
    All done with Completionist (again) and Epic Completionist. First character to 30 on Sarlona* (before the rollback).

  6. #26
    Community Member cdemeritt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MalikiGoddess View Post
    I'm over in G-Land, but the other day I had a Hound up, and about 5 people hit the LFM immediately after I put it up. I still had some guildies joining, so I was saying hello to them and then proceeded to bring up the create party window up so I could see who had requested to join. About 3 down on the list was this paladin. I am in no way an elitist, so I was just going through making sure we had 'x' amount of melees, healers, casters, etc. I was just about to hit accept on the paladins request, when I get a tell.

    "Youre a ******. Squelched!"

    And when I went to message them with an, "Excuse me?" I was indeed squelched.

    Talk about impatient. I was so confused by the ordeal that I didn't even have time to write down the person's guild name.

    I mean seriously, you can't wait 2 minutes for an accept.... I'm kind of glad I got squelched in that case.
    When I click an LFM, especially for a raid, I understand sometimes the raid leader is bombarded with tells, Guild chat, User Chats, Vent, Etc. etc. or even go AFK while people cue up.... It can be a few minutes of chaos, so I am patience to a point... just because I don't get an immediate Accept or Decline doesn't bother me... I watch the list... if however more than 5 minutes have passed, and I see some people have been accepted but I still haven't... I get annoyed but go do something else.. no point in getting upset... If they don't want me, that's there loss... I just hate it when 15 minutes later I get *ding (Party): You have joined XXXXX's party, after I've long forgotten about the LFM and am soloing something...
    (Say): Haywire says, '"Hey, I don't come into yer home and play with things."'

  7. #27
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    main reason why I dont' read lfms is if ther eis a group just 1 level above me, and i can pull my weight, or if they put "need healer" and have all classes selected.


  8. #28
    Community Member thegreatneil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    Note: I know not everyone does what I'm about to talk about, but it's ridiculous how often it happens. Don't feel targeted if you can read an LFM I decided to run some groups and this was the LFM.

    So I get a request...I accept, and I quickly see these words "share plz"

    Okay, usually I wouldn't really care that much, I can understand that in some places it would take more time to go grab the quest and that sharing would be quicker. Problem is...these are walk-up quests and the LFM said "know quests". So I kicked the guy and I quickly got a tell that goes like this...

    "why you dismiss me for asking for a share so I dont have to find the right questgiver? -.- well welcome to my squelch"

    So, obviously he did not know "know quest" as LFM said or he would have known he would have got the quest as he walked up to it.

    I thought reading the LFM is the least someone can do before clicking a group on the list. I thought it was a simple thing to do but I guess I was wrong. So, why can't you read the LFM before joining a group? Why do you ask "what quest" when it's on the LFM. Why do you cry when you don't get buffs/heals when it's written "byoh/zerg". Why? WHY?

    Please, learn to read the ****ing LFM.


    1) Great i get Greater heroism just for showing up! (because you say its a normal thing)
    2) I Dunno if i have a weapon with Zerg bane, as i have never had to fight one before (will reptile bane work?)
    3)Byoh, thats the military thing right? (like a Hoorah?)
    4)And i Do have quests in progress, how did you know?

    You'll bend to my will - With or without your precious sanity.

    Neilus Soul of the Phoenix - Completionist - Orien

    Quote Originally Posted by blerkington View Post
    Everyone who is more effective than me is OP, and should be nerfed.
    Everyone who has more stuff than me cheated to get it, and should be punished.
    Everyone who plays differently to me is a bad person, and should be mistreated.

  9. #29
    Community Member Elaril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silverraven View Post

    I share whenever this happens. I just dont share the one I'm running Illiteracy is a horrible problem in this day and age but there's a difference between "reading" and "understanding".
    Lol. Nothing like dropping a share bomb on a deserving party. Sure, your completion time might suffer, but it's worth it to think about how aggrivated the person must be to have to click yes or no on every quest in my journal (this is the main reason now to re pick up every quest upon completion). It's additionally humorous to reset a deserving party's threnal chain so they have to do east again.
    Akori-Fighter Iroka-Sorcerer Censured-Rogue Isilti-Cleric Tony-Sorcerer Duress-Cleric Elaril-Fighter Avatard-Fighter Mitigation-Paladin Loose-Bard Shiken-Fighter Unreasonably-Barbarian Jueh-Monk

  10. #30
    Community Member sainy_matthew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HallowedOne View Post
    Considering how sometimes I unplugg my brain (and we all do sometimes), it might have come to that he didn't realize that a "walk up" is bestowed on the entrance.

    A better action would be writing "it's a walkup..." . Then you'd either confirm that dismiss or he would reply "DOH!".
    Really? Walkup means the quest giver gives you the quest & then its straight in? I didn't know that & i bet a whole heap of people here didn't know that... So heres an answer to the OP's question. Stop being so fraking picky & stop writing your entire life history in the LFG page... In fact that goes for everyone. LFG is for people to group, I dont want to read through everyones list of specifications, of which 50% is just your personal bias & has nothing to do with the quest specifications. Except for in a raid or the pit, how is "know quest" really helpful? If i don't know the quest i just do as i'm told. Its pretty darn simple, especially if your playing a fighter, a barbarian, a mage, or a cleric. Heck any class that isn't the trap finding focused rogue can easily play follow the leader without knowing anything about the quest.

  11. #31
    Community Member Elaril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sainy_matthew View Post
    Really? Walkup means the quest giver gives you the quest & then its straight in? I didn't know that & i bet a whole heap of people here didn't know that... So heres an answer to the OP's question. Stop being so fraking picky & stop writing your entire life history in the LFG page... In fact that goes for everyone. LFG is for people to group, I dont want to read through everyones list of specifications, of which 50% is just your personal bias & has nothing to do with the quest specifications. Except for in a raid or the pit, how is "know quest" really helpful? If i don't know the quest i just do as i'm told. Its pretty darn simple, especially if your playing a fighter, a barbarian, a mage, or a cleric. Heck any class that isn't the trap finding focused rogue can easily play follow the leader without knowing anything about the quest.
    The extra text space is a spot to list further qualifications for the group that aren't available among the generic choices. It doesn't seem the op was being picky at all, merely listing his desired qualifications for his group members. Not trying to be insulting here, but if someone couldn't glean the meaning of a walkup quest from their prior experience in gianthold, then that person did not fit the requirements of the lfm.
    Akori-Fighter Iroka-Sorcerer Censured-Rogue Isilti-Cleric Tony-Sorcerer Duress-Cleric Elaril-Fighter Avatard-Fighter Mitigation-Paladin Loose-Bard Shiken-Fighter Unreasonably-Barbarian Jueh-Monk

  12. #32
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sainy_matthew View Post
    Really? Walkup means the quest giver gives you the quest & then its straight in? I didn't know that & i bet a whole heap of people here didn't know that... So heres an answer to the OP's question. Stop being so fraking picky & stop writing your entire life history in the LFG page... In fact that goes for everyone. LFG is for people to group, I dont want to read through everyones list of specifications, of which 50% is just your personal bias & has nothing to do with the quest specifications. Except for in a raid or the pit, how is "know quest" really helpful? If i don't know the quest i just do as i'm told. Its pretty darn simple, especially if your playing a fighter, a barbarian, a mage, or a cleric. Heck any class that isn't the trap finding focused rogue can easily play follow the leader without knowing anything about the quest.
    So. On top of *not* reading LFMs, you don’t read posts before replying to them.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  13. #33
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sainy_matthew View Post
    Really? Walkup means the quest giver gives you the quest & then its straight in? I didn't know that & i bet a whole heap of people here didn't know that... So heres an answer to the OP's question. Stop being so fraking picky & stop writing your entire life history in the LFG page... In fact that goes for everyone. LFG is for people to group, I dont want to read through everyones list of specifications, of which 50% is just your personal bias & has nothing to do with the quest specifications. Except for in a raid or the pit, how is "know quest" really helpful? If i don't know the quest i just do as i'm told. Its pretty darn simple, especially if your playing a fighter, a barbarian, a mage, or a cleric. Heck any class that isn't the trap finding focused rogue can easily play follow the leader without knowing anything about the quest.
    No walkup means you walk up to the quest, and its automatically bestowed. This is a good place to ask those questions, not my zerg groups.

    You dont want to read through my list of qualifications for the group, I dont want to hold your stinking hand, and shr pls while im getting my zerg on. Sounds like you know exactly how some of us feel. Now stop hitting our lfm's and go hit someones who doesnt actually take the time to type out what kinda group its going to be.
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  14. #34
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sainy_matthew View Post
    Really? Walkup means the quest giver gives you the quest & then its straight in? I didn't know that & i bet a whole heap of people here didn't know that... So heres an answer to the OP's question. Stop being so fraking picky & stop writing your entire life history in the LFG page... In fact that goes for everyone. LFG is for people to group, I dont want to read through everyones list of specifications, of which 50% is just your personal bias & has nothing to do with the quest specifications. Except for in a raid or the pit, how is "know quest" really helpful? If i don't know the quest i just do as i'm told. Its pretty darn simple, especially if your playing a fighter, a barbarian, a mage, or a cleric. Heck any class that isn't the trap finding focused rogue can easily play follow the leader without knowing anything about the quest.
    Simple: If you can't even do as you're told in an LFM by not joining it, how exactly do you expect people to trust you to do as you're told inside the quest.

    Newsflash: people do not play to entertain you, they play to have fun themselves. Some people aren't always in the mood to hand hold, and they only want other people who know a given quest inside out.

    Sure, try folllow the leader.. and cost us 10% exp, and extra completion time, that's something opinionated noobs excel at: "Where is the quest" "How do I get there" "(ding) Omg, those things hit hard!" "I am lost!" "hjeel me!" etc etc.

    On the positive side, this is an excellent way to get blacklisted, so click the LFMs away and spare us your presence in raids.
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  15. #35
    Community Member dulgar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sainy_matthew View Post
    Really? Walkup means the quest giver gives you the quest & then its straight in? I didn't know that & i bet a whole heap of people here didn't know that... So heres an answer to the OP's question. Stop being so fraking picky & stop writing your entire life history in the LFG page... In fact that goes for everyone. LFG is for people to group, I dont want to read through everyones list of specifications, of which 50% is just your personal bias & has nothing to do with the quest specifications. Except for in a raid or the pit, how is "know quest" really helpful? If i don't know the quest i just do as i'm told. Its pretty darn simple, especially if your playing a fighter, a barbarian, a mage, or a cleric. Heck any class that isn't the trap finding focused rogue can easily play follow the leader without knowing anything about the quest.
    Now I don't post much, but WOW! I do believe you picked the wrong post to chime in on. But hey, +1 for making me laugh at work!
    Rockcrusher, Minisavior, Extasy, Leatherneck, Rockitman

  16. #36
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Psssssh people don't read the LFM's.

    They see the quest they want and double-click. Whether I'm looking for your class, level or whatever doesn't matter.

    You can't cure stupid and opportunist is a nasty feat to counter.

    Oh and "Know the Quest" means know how to get there as well...IP does not mean Idiot Proof, it means we are in the quest and cannot help you get there.
    Last edited by Rasczak; 01-21-2011 at 03:36 AM.
    Don't let common sense stop you...
    Qualified Devil's Advocate ` Refugee Boldrei '06 / Keeper '09

  17. #37
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sainy_matthew View Post
    Really? Walkup means the quest giver gives you the quest & then its straight in? I didn't know that & i bet a whole heap of people here didn't know that... So heres an answer to the OP's question. Stop being so fraking picky & stop writing your entire life history in the LFG page... In fact that goes for everyone. LFG is for people to group, I dont want to read through everyones list of specifications, of which 50% is just your personal bias & has nothing to do with the quest specifications. Except for in a raid or the pit, how is "know quest" really helpful? If i don't know the quest i just do as i'm told. Its pretty darn simple, especially if your playing a fighter, a barbarian, a mage, or a cleric. Heck any class that isn't the trap finding focused rogue can easily play follow the leader without knowing anything about the quest.
    In Gianthold, you need to talk to the questgiver to pick up the Madstone Crater, Prison of the Planes and Crucible quests. The other quests in Gianthold don't have a questgiver at all. You just walk up to them and the quest is magically bestowed.

    If the OP had an LFM with only Rangers, Monks and Rogues lit and you were a Favored Soul, would you hit the LFM? You don't qualify for the LFM's specs, so I hope that you would at least not get annoyed by a decline when you apply for it. If you really want to join that group (for whatever reason) then just send the group's leader a /tell and ask if he or she will make an exception. The fact that you sent a /tell instead of just hitting the LFM when you don't qualify increases your chances of being accepted by about a billion percent.

    If you don't know the quest, then you don't qualify for this LFM. How is that hard to understand? If you don't know your way to the quest and you don't know what to do in the quest, you can still be a help to a party that is moving at a reasonable pace if you're willing to listen and follow directions. You will *not* be an asset to a party that is sprinting through a quest so fast that you'll be locked out of most rooms if you stop paying attention for 2 seconds at the wrong time. I'm thinking of Maze of Madness in particular, here.

    If you don't know the quest, but you *are* willing and able to follow directions, just send the group leader a /tell saying, "I don't know the quest, but I'm not completely squishy and I can follow directions. Mind if I tag along?" I bet you'll be surprised at how many people are willing to take you with them with that kind of /tell.

    If you don't know the quest and the LFM says "know the quest" and you ask for "shr plz" as your first statement on joining the party, I'd boot your behind out of the party so fast it would make your head spin. Sometimes I like to teach. Sometimes I like to sprint. Why should you get to decide that I don't really want to sprint when I put that in the LFM?

  18. #38
    Community Member Dozen_Black_Roses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilindith View Post
    Note: I know not everyone does what I'm about to talk about, but it's ridiculous how often it happens. Don't feel targeted if you can read an LFM I decided to run some groups and this was the LFM.

    So I get a request...I accept, and I quickly see these words "share plz"

    Okay, usually I wouldn't really care that much, I can understand that in some places it would take more time to go grab the quest and that sharing would be quicker. Problem is...these are walk-up quests and the LFM said "know quests". So I kicked the guy and I quickly got a tell that goes like this...

    "why you dismiss me for asking for a share so I dont have to find the right questgiver? -.- well welcome to my squelch"

    So, obviously he did not know "know quest" as LFM said or he would have known he would have got the quest as he walked up to it.

    I thought reading the LFM is the least someone can do before clicking a group on the list. I thought it was a simple thing to do but I guess I was wrong. So, why can't you read the LFM before joining a group? Why do you ask "what quest" when it's on the LFM. Why do you cry when you don't get buffs/heals when it's written "byoh/zerg". Why? WHY?

    Please, learn to read the ****ing LFM.
    This is why I don't like having the star. I just can't deal with idiots. I try, I do..and I have put up a few lfm's recently. And as soon as I think, oh this isnt too bad, I get the tells from people telling me what I do or don't need in a quest. Immediately, I think listen Sherlock, I've been playing the game for several years now, and you telling me what I do or don't need in a quest is like trying to explain the theory of relativity to Einstein. I don't need any particular class, but if I specify something, there's a reason for it. Usually it's a rogue as I want trap bonus on a very high xp quest I'm farming on a TR. This is only 2% of my lfm's, in general my lfms dont specify any class and say something to the effect of byoh if no healer as I expect everyone to be self sufficient in my groups.
    Quote Originally Posted by QuantumFX View Post
    So. On top of *not* reading LFMs, you don’t read posts before replying to them.

    +1 for the LOL, very true, but unfortunately most folks we experience problems with don't read the forums, and at least this person acknowledged he didnt know what a walk up was, maybe from here on he won't be one of the share plz folks.
    Last edited by Dozen_Black_Roses; 01-21-2011 at 08:17 AM.
    Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).
    @>---Fuhgly, Suzee, Blohnde, Shakkei, Redhawt, Sanctified, Punkrawk, Gaelsong, Deviliscious, Liethal----<@

  19. #39
    Ninja Spy phillymiket's Avatar
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    Nothing will save you from...
    Quote Originally Posted by sainy_matthew View Post
    Really? Walkup means the quest giver gives you the quest & then its straight in? I didn't know that & i bet a whole heap of people here didn't know that... So heres an answer to the OP's question. Stop being so fraking picky & stop writing your entire life history in the LFG page... In fact that goes for everyone. LFG is for people to group, I dont want to read through everyones list of specifications, of which 50% is just your personal bias & has nothing to do with the quest specifications. Except for in a raid or the pit, how is "know quest" really helpful? If i don't know the quest i just do as i'm told. Its pretty darn simple, especially if your playing a fighter, a barbarian, a mage, or a cleric. Heck any class that isn't the trap finding focused rogue can easily play follow the leader without knowing anything about the quest.
    Maybe if you read an LFM once in a while you would know what "walk-up" means.
    You do as your told with the small exception of the first instructions given in the LFM?
    Somehow if you view "zerg" and "byoh" as a personal bias then I just don't trust that follow the leader is your MO.

    Yes - read the LFMs.

    Some people will not, however.

    They will just join a "know it" and not say anything.
    I joined a "know it" shroud the other day with 2 or 3 arcanes.
    Leader says "Everyone knows what to do right?".
    Leader says "Someone get the crystal"
    Mobs are killed and no crystal is shattered. Mobs return.
    None of the arcanes as it turns out knew what to do and didn't say anything.
    (In fact, it took many tries to even get all the mobs down because many of the melee didn't know they had to be prepared, separated and brought down at the same time)

    Seeing as there is no way to keep someone who doesn't know the quest from joining it seems a time saver to just ask if anyone is new and explain real fast rather than try to keep out that which won't not join. (you'll get the newbs not to join but not the noobs)

    Pug XP zergs are a challenge to form because you really don't want to spend the time to explain.
    But I guess that is a factor of trying to find a select group of knowledge and skills out of a Pug.

    It seems that the only recourse is to just drop the "can't/won't listen, follow and keep up" crowd after the first run until you have a good group if you are trying to form efficient pick-up group zerg.
    BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.

  20. #40
    Community Member MrWizard's Avatar
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    know quest to some people (as referenced in an earlier post) means "I will follow directions" instead of realizing the LFM is looking for people who actually have run it many times and 'know it'

    "Loot Run" and "Zerg" are transformed into "can we go slower, I have never done it before" and "this is my first time running this quest, why we going so fast"

    In progress means "you are already in? How do I get there?" Why did you start already?

    Level 16-19 means "I am level 20 and there are no 16s, you must accept me as it will go quicker"

    "Need xxx" really means "hey, I am YYY let me hit join."

    LFM and Join button really mean "let me send the LFM leader tells, a lot of them, asking if he really wants what the LFM already says" "Do you need a fighter (lfm says dps)"

    Ignoring someone who hit join is annoying to the joiner. Deny that person and fire and brimstone will come upon thee via tells.

    " Have a Mic" means do not talk, listen, or text unless it is to say 'hi' 'k' or 'oh'

    New players only means they want some hard core wanna be player to come in and zerg to the end while they are at the entrance.

    Fact is...whatever you want in your LFM is completely opposite of what you get a lot.

    Fact is... Not being wonderfully nice in responding to tells means you are a meanie even though that one person is one of 20 sending the same unnecessary tells and you are busy doing something else.

    Fact is... My halfling beat up your half-elf at school today
    Cannon fodder build The Stalwart Defender, Raid Tank
    Worst Shroud PUG EVER!!!!!! Epic Fail (started 1/13/10, necro'd 3/9/10, 4/20/10, raised dead 3/ 9/11, necro'd 4/9/11, 5/28/11, fame petition necro 8/5/11, necro'd 9/30/11, KIA 10/3/11, True reincarnated famed (by cleric Cordovan) 10/4/11,

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