Let me set my own locations.
The current set up is just lacking.
Another thread also had me thinking when they couldn't teleport to Meridia. The spell...at least what I've rembered and that was from AD&D 2E, you had to have been at the place you wanted to teleport but you, the developers, automatically give us the destination even if we have never been there. We do have to complete the "Meridia Quest" before we can teleport there but the destination shouldn't really show up untill we have actually been out in the area we want to go.
Twilight Forge you can teleport to without never having been there or completing any specific quest. Really most of the teleport loacations let you go there without ever setting foot in those places.
The teleport locations are also places that people usually don't want to go. The shop in House D only sees traffic because people are going to the broker around the corner and down the hill. The house K location is in a part of the area that is away from most of the rest of the house. It is close to VoN but far enough away from the broker and guild vendors that it is quicker to teleport to house P then grab the teleporter to house K.
House J shop is nice with the scroll vendor there but it is away from othere areas of that house. It was handy for the live event out there since it was a quick hop to the bar.
House P is actually in a good spot because is is mostly in the middle of the whole house.
Portable hole is fine.
There is no location for Harbor...not that many would necessarly want to go there but still.
There is no location for guild ships. Many would like to be able to teleport there.
All the locations available on greater teleport should also be available on a regular teleport and anything available on regular teleport should be available on greater teleport.
If the locations have to be bound to a specific establishment like a bar or a shop, I feel that is reasonable since you do have events in public areas.
Also something else I'd like to see...
Make the oooops moment be a random location. Market is nice an all but it would be neat to come down in any public area like harbor, Korthos, any of the Houses, Delera's, inside any one of the many establishments throughout Stormreach. If you own other packs like the Vale, then have us come down in that area also but those that don't own that area won't be able to oooops there(oooops into a few different spots into Sub T would be really neat but that isn't a public area so I don't see that happening.)