Back in Jun of 2009 I saw an advertisement for Dungeon & Dragons Online and having been an avid PnP player for Basic, AD&D and smidge of 3.5 and 4.0 I decided to leave Runescape for a better place and so began the career of Heidiann ~ Platinum Blonde Paladin for Justice...

The name Heidiann was basically chosen as an enticement to get my LONG TERM girlfriend and fellow Runescaper to come over to the lighter side of Online gaming addiction (it's her real name and the character pretty much looked like her and fit her personality). In her first life, Heidiann was fairly gimped but managed well. 60+ Shrouds, 20+ HoX, 40+ Reavers, 15 VoD.. 0 ToD, Ascencion Chamber, DQ, and just one Titan (got 7 fingered gloves on a roll and never went back). A year after creating her I reincarnated her into... Well basically the Aryenne build Pally/ Monk as seen on these forums. This decision was largely due to, One realllly bad Enter the Kobold that took 4+ hours due to 0 Evasion toons... and well so many deaths that entire team was naked and punching by the end... NIGHTMARE! This new and IMPROVED less gimp Heidiann was a VAST improvement on my initial build... Her stats were better, her feats were better, her kit MUCH better, and most importantly my understanding of the game, and the world of DDO was better.

What a fun Sojourn it has been bringing Heidiann back up into the realm or raid ready heroes! Then came the dilemma... The real Heidiann, of which she attained her name, had well... fallen by the wayside at least 9 months ago... and the current RL Paramour... was not "fond" of my running around on a toon that looked like, and wielded the same name of an EX... I got glaring looks as she watched me do Raids and heard the people in the group calling me "Heidi", and the occasional pronunciation of "Haden" didn't really help, as she KNEW what the real name was.

So, thanks to Turbine Support and $9.95/ USD I am happy to present, in her forum DEBUT, the new Platinum Blonde Paladin (with a smidge of monk) for Justice – STARABELLE.

This time I went with an amalgamation of my 3 daughters names... Stefani, Ciara and Izabelle to create a more meaningful and permanent persona for my Pally. This new incarnation for good has a new name, a new “spiral” look to her armor and a huge hankering to RAID with all the well known Heroes of Thelanis. To all those that have run with Heidiann, please welcome Starabelle into your PuG LFM’s and know that she is ready, willing and able to do what is expected with even more zest and fervor than ever before.

She’s currently flagged for:
HoX – 4 completions this TR so far (and has been the chew toy twice)
VoD – 4 completions this TR (Orthon tank twice – once on elite)
DQ – 1 completion on this TR – Yes she finally did it!
Ascension Chamber – finally flagged!!
ToD – 3 completions – 0 deaths so far
Shroud – 7 completions this TR
VoN – 3 completions on this TR
SoS – 1 Completion on this TR – with the essence for one more.

Hope to see you around and sorry for being so verbose on such an inane topic… work is slow today…