Quote Originally Posted by kjohnson1990 View Post
Ok. Max aura is 19 w/ potency. The 22-70 your seeing is through healing amps and crits.

Only 1600 sp? and your groups are that bad? You need to either A: Find a new group. Or B. Choose a new strategy. My lv 20 cleric, 15 cleric/ 3 monk/ 2 fighter, only has 1200 spell points and almost never fails healing an epic. And i dont have to drink pots. Oh boy, if i had 1600 spell points... why, i might never have to use a shrine ever again.

Divine intervention is weak, if you need something to save someone from dying then your failing your job as a cleric anyway.

You probably built your character as a healer with max wisdom right? Do you use attack spells? Is it worth it to have the DC on blade barriers that do **** damage, especially since the Enchantment Specc'ed casters HOLDthem in place?

No comment.

Learn to be a cleric. Stop your *****ing. And HEAL them. Regardless. Carry heal scrolls. They will help you out tremendously. You can heal with a heal scroll and heal with the spell heal. I mean, how hard is this to figure out. IF they are taking too much damage, someone is not doing thier job.

Quit the drama.

How hard is it to heal? I mean. when i was a "pure" healer, i realized that i spent more than half my time piking in epics/raids. So i decided to do something about it and LR into a more active build.

You are A CLERIC!!!! OMFG. DO your ****ing job? So what they forgot to spend 8k plat on 100 remove curse pots. You are the cleric. Ensure thier survival. I know you cant fix stupid but you can at least keep them alive cant you?

Then you sir, need to reroll and not play a cleric. People expect these things from you, it comes with the territory.

For the most part. It sounds like you need to find a static group. That plays how YOU want them to. Because, regardless of what you do or say, people are gonig to do whatever the hell they want to anyway.

I dont agree with the sharing of pots. I do just fine healing epics without them. And i have 1200 sp. Its called micromanagement. Learn to do it and you'll learn how to be a better cleric. Because from what i've seen. Your the reason we have nannybots.
excuse me. cleric is around to assist not baby sit an entire group of no brainer with no remove curse pots . do you job prepare before battle . and oh ya hand over those sp pot s and plat hahaha :-) we tired of spending more cash than we make .