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Ok. Max aura is 19 w/ potency. The 22-70 your seeing is through healing amps and crits.
Only 1600 sp? and your groups are that bad? You need to either A: Find a new group. Or B. Choose a new strategy. My lv 20 cleric, 15 cleric/ 3 monk/ 2 fighter, only has 1200 spell points and almost never fails healing an epic. And i dont have to drink pots. Oh boy, if i had 1600 spell points... why, i might never have to use a shrine ever again.
Divine intervention is weak, if you need something to save someone from dying then your failing your job as a cleric anyway.
You probably built your character as a healer with max wisdom right? Do you use attack spells? Is it worth it to have the DC on blade barriers that do **** damage, especially since the Enchantment Specc'ed casters HOLDthem in place?
No comment.
Learn to be a cleric. Stop your *****ing. And HEAL them. Regardless. Carry heal scrolls. They will help you out tremendously. You can heal with a heal scroll and heal with the spell heal. I mean, how hard is this to figure out. IF they are taking too much damage, someone is not doing thier job.
Quit the drama.
How hard is it to heal? I mean. when i was a "pure" healer, i realized that i spent more than half my time piking in epics/raids. So i decided to do something about it and LR into a more active build.
You are A CLERIC!!!! OMFG. DO your ****ing job? So what they forgot to spend 8k plat on 100 remove curse pots. You are the cleric. Ensure thier survival. I know you cant fix stupid but you can at least keep them alive cant you?
Then you sir, need to reroll and not play a cleric. People expect these things from you, it comes with the territory.
For the most part. It sounds like you need to find a static group. That plays how YOU want them to. Because, regardless of what you do or say, people are gonig to do whatever the hell they want to anyway.
I dont agree with the sharing of pots. I do just fine healing epics without them. And i have 1200 sp. Its called micromanagement. Learn to do it and you'll learn how to be a better cleric. Because from what i've seen. Your the reason we have nannybots.