Quote Originally Posted by Templarion View Post
Exactly. How about making Everbright a prefix? Like Everbright Light Mace of Greater Ooze Bane? I don't think that sounds even stupid.
Actually, this sounds much better than "of Everbright" because Everbright is a horrible name for a spell. Everbright what? Either make it a prefix or tweak the name for the spell, doesn't matter if that's directly from source books.

Quote Originally Posted by morticianjohn View Post
Bane is a specific ability used by multiple types of enemies. You can't tack on any abilities to that ability without changing the way the whole thing works. You are in fact requesting that ooze bane weapons get another ability which requires a fix in the randomness of the ooze bane appearance
Not sure how this changes the randomness at all. It would simply mean that if ooze bane is tacked on to a weapon, the weapon material is altered to be glass. Alternatively, if the non-material change is implemented, it would just need a modifier put on the amount of damage oozes do to the weapon. Either one would need more coding, but the random nature of the weapon and ability would not be changed a bit.