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  1. #1
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Default Future PrE's suggestions/theories

    So, here is my take on the future PrE's/races/classes that I can see coming out.
    1. House X Dragonmark Heir will be unlocked by unlocking top tiers of favour in the relevant house (cool reward idea!).
    2. Some of the future racial PrE's will be premium.
    3. Completing every quest in the game on elite (maybe epic as well) will unlock Feats and a PrE associated with the Dragonmark of Death (yeah yeah? Maybe feats for everything on elite, PrE for everything on available on epic)
    4. Gnome will be a free race (I hope, don't want the balance of f2p vs p2p to go too out of whack).
    5. Druid will be p2p
    6. Some other races will be p2p (shifter race right?)

  2. #2
    Community Member NeutronStar's Avatar
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    Next race = Shifters

    Next class = Druids

  3. #3
    Community Member FoxCourier's Avatar
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    In addition to Neutron's comments...

    The Dragonmark of Death exists on only one (uno, singular) being in existance, and she can't use it (Vol herself, the leader of the Blood of Vol - she can't use it because the Undead cannot use dragonmarks). When Vol passed into Undeath, the mark's role in the prophecy apparently ended (and she is now the sole bearer, as indicated).

    Anyone else manifesting it would cause a lot of problems - for themselves and everyone else. From Vol seeking their death out of spite, to Dragons and other beings hunting them down and either killing them (as if they had an Aberrant mark) or to study like lab animals, or even just to keep as collection pieces (no rarer oddities exist).

    I doubt WotC or Keith Baker would greenlight it coming back, since it was a major plot point that it died out in the first place. And if it did.. they'd want to do a big deal of it. :U

    Premium PrEs also sounds like a total annoyance as far as coding goes (unlike races or classes, everyone would theoretically have access to those - what kind of flag would you need to create in order to make this possible? And how much **** would that break just doing it? And what about the fallout from the playerbase? I can't imagine other people would be happy with that), and are firmly in the implausible range (stop giving them ideas, too. Geezus, people!).

    Druids and Shifters going P2P wouldn't surprise anyone at this point.

    Only decent suggestion in here was Gnomes (who are important to the Eberron meta-plot via Dragonmarks anyway).
    You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. Nobody is entitled to ignorance.

  4. #4
    Community Member Mr_Tank's Avatar
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    List of planned prestige enhancements.

  5. #5
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FoxCourier View Post
    In addition to Neutron's comments...

    The Dragonmark of Death exists on only one (uno, singular) being in existance, and she can't use it (Vol herself, the leader of the Blood of Vol - she can't use it because the Undead cannot use dragonmarks). When Vol passed into Undeath, the mark's role in the prophecy apparently ended (and she is now the sole bearer, as indicated).

    Anyone else manifesting it would cause a lot of problems - for themselves and everyone else. From Vol seeking their death out of spite, to Dragons and other beings hunting them down and either killing them (as if they had an Aberrant mark) or to study like lab animals, or even just to keep as collection pieces (no rarer oddities exist).

    I doubt WotC or Keith Baker would greenlight it coming back, since it was a major plot point that it died out in the first place. And if it did.. they'd want to do a big deal of it. :U

    Premium PrEs also sounds like a total annoyance as far as coding goes (unlike races or classes, everyone would theoretically have access to those - what kind of flag would you need to create in order to make this possible? And how much **** would that break just doing it? And what about the fallout from the playerbase? I can't imagine other people would be happy with that), and are firmly in the implausible range (stop giving them ideas, too. Geezus, people!).

    Druids and Shifters going P2P wouldn't surprise anyone at this point.

    Only decent suggestion in here was Gnomes (who are important to the Eberron meta-plot via Dragonmarks anyway).
    You're almost definitely right about Mark of Death, I don't know the history of Eberron so much (more of a forgotten realms, dark sun, dragonlance fan, eberron is after my time). Still, I think we need something cool to be unlocked at some ridiculous server favour number which would make a character unique (a special PrE or something would be nice, mark of death was just an example, albeit a bad one).

    I totally hope that dragonmark heir PrE's have to be unlocked through house favour, I think this is plausible and likely, especially with the possibility of making more money for Turbine for those too lazy to earn the house favour.

    Racial PrE's promise to change the roles of characters (example: you're a rogue/monk/ranger/cleric/wizard why do you think you can tank the boss? Oh, I am a dwarven defender). This sort of versatility I can see being very attractive and that in itself makes it seem likely that if Turbine can charge people for it that they will. Perhaps not Dwarven Defender, but maybe some of the other Racial PrE's?

    I imagine that Shifter will likely come out around the same time as the Druid class as many of the obstacles are similar (shape changing). I imagine they would both be premium as you say.

    In the meantime, I see a possibility that Gnomes could make an appearance. They aren't likely to require a huge amount of coding (compared to shifters) so can hopefully be put in as f2p to reassure the player base that Turbine values all it's players, not just the big spenders. Would make the fallout from premium PrE's more manageable too ...

  6. #6
    Community Member Bladedge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeutronStar View Post

    Next race = Shifters

    Next class = Druids

    I Disagree

    Next race = Kolbold
    Next class = Shaman

  7. #7
    Community Member NeutronStar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bladedge View Post
    I Disagree
    You'll see.

  8. #8
    Sketchy Adventurer Monroid's Avatar
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    The DDO wiki had some unfinished articles about the Purple Dragon Knight PrE for the fighters and also the Sorcerer PrE line

    Maybe they managed to suck the information from Turbine and are already starting to get the Wiki updated as soon as they get here, I guess

  9. #9
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monroid View Post
    The DDO wiki had some unfinished articles about the Purple Dragon Knight PrE for the fighters and also the Sorcerer PrE line

    Maybe they managed to suck the information from Turbine and are already starting to get the Wiki updated as soon as they get here, I guess
    I'm not sure what information you are referring too. All that I can see on DDOwiki is a one line description of the PrE (which has been around forever). I don't think that we will see Purple Dragon Knight for a long time.

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