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  1. #21
    Community Member EustaceTrevelyan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wildseed View Post
    All you need is flametouched iron weapon, holy flametouched iron will rule in there, holy flametouched iron of righteousness even better! good luck... But even with flametouched iron, you'll do good dmg in delera.
    Holy is good already, flametouched would add nothing in that case. But flametouched and acid/fire etc would be nice, since the metal properties are totally parallel with everything else (not, of course metalline). But specific metals are actually rarer than holy.

  2. #22
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bilger View Post
    Very true but at lvl 4 will it make a big enough differance when that lvl range is easy to blast thru.

    Seems to me the buffs and items you will need every time you have to equip PG weaps is a waist of time(if at all possible to get without higher lvl bufffs) just grab a Holy weap like he says and will be more than fine. If not maybe it's not the weap that's the problem

    Just my 2 cp
    Agreed. Either go holy or go with a good alignment.

  3. #23
    Community Member Renvar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    This probably isn't the right forum, but what the hay.

    I'm planning a new FvS TR and I want him to be true neutral for litany. But I also want him to be able to use pure good weapons for easier leveling. The minimum requirement is 20 UMD at level 4. So...

    GH - 4
    eagle's splendor - 2
    Base CHA 14 + enh - 3
    UMD level ups - 3
    Human versatility - 3

    Total 15

    But this isn't enough! Are there any more bonuses I could add to reach 20 UMD by level 4?
    3 - Level ups
    3 - Human Versatility
    8 - 16 base, +1 tome, +1 level up, +2 fvs enh, +2 guild buff, +2 store pot, +2 yugo pot = 26
    2 - Heroism
    0 - Cartouche (edited out due to ML)


    Skill focus UMD would get you to 19. You can get a +1 skill boost a couple different ways as mentioned earlier. Reaching 20 is theoretically possible, but it seems to be more effort than it is worth. You can do it by level 6 or 7 much easier. (+2 tome, more level ups, stronger versatility, more enhancement points) and holding off deleras till then is not hard. Even on a 2x TR. Just farm WW, STK, and Tangleroot a few more times. Maybe start Gwylans earlier than planned.
    Last edited by DDOTalk71; 01-19-2011 at 03:38 PM.
    Asheras - Velania - Renvar - Ventarya - Officer of Lava Divers - Khyber

  4. #24
    Community Member Elyanna's Avatar
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    I think the cartouche is ML 7.

    House D collectible cha skill pots could get you +1 - +3 if anyone hasn't mentioned them yet.
    Got a question the answer may be on the wiki!

  5. #25
    Community Member dkyle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wildseed View Post
    All you need is flametouched iron weapon, holy flametouched iron will rule in there, holy flametouched iron of righteousness even better! good luck... But even with flametouched iron, you'll do good dmg in delera.
    Flametouched Iron is completely redundant on a Holy or Pure Good weapon. All it does is make the weapons damage count as "Good", which Holy and Pure Good also do.

    Flametouched Iron of Righteousness is decent, though, as Righteousness does not make the weapon's damage count as Good.

  6. #26
    Community Member zed1's Avatar
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    In answer to some of the comments on the thread, Pure Good is valuable because it is a suffix. I'm guessing the OP has a +1 Keen Falchion of Pure Good or something similar (which is indeed an ML:4 weapon.) I've used weapons like this on lowbies, and I generally keep using them until I pick up IC:Slash. The damage is noticeably better on crittable mobs.

    Although, the OP may find that having the best-of-the-best twink gear at low levels is overkill for a TR. I wouldn't worry too much if you need to wait a few more levels to start using Pure Good weapons.

  7. #27
    Community Member unionyes's Avatar
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    Haven't run a FvS yet. Do they get access to Skill Boost enhancements? I know I take that on my Rogues and Rangers at least, put a few points in and you can boost your skills long enough to equip.
    Thelanis; Strngrdanger, Likkerpig, Byrnt, Obgynkenobi, Severancepay, Buffystmarie.

  8. #28
    Community Member Bilger's Avatar
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    Heres a novel idea lvl as a good alignment then buy a alignment change when get litany!!!
    Proud Officer of The Madborn

  9. #29
    Community Member MrWizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    This probably isn't the right forum, but what the hay.

    I'm planning a new FvS TR and I want him to be true neutral for litany. But I also want him to be able to use pure good weapons for easier leveling. The minimum requirement is 20 UMD at level 4. So...

    GH - 4
    eagle's splendor - 2
    Base CHA 14 + enh - 3
    UMD level ups - 3
    Human versatility - 3

    Total 15

    But this isn't enough! Are there any more bonuses I could add to reach 20 UMD by level 4?
    ranks 3.5
    command item 2
    cha 14 +4 Eagles +4
    Human versa, 3? +3
    ship buffs +2 (1 for +2 cha, 1 for +1 skills)
    Deneith pot +4 (1 for extra 2 cha, 3 for skills )
    heroism 2

    you could make it 21 by using the ddo store bunny hat for +3 over the command +2..

    denieth pots are a bit hard to find for +3 skill boosts, very hard. But +1 and +2 are not so hard, but they go very quick.
    Ship buffs require a big boat with +2 charisma and a +1 skill boost
    Human versa 3 at 4th level? Really? Thought you had to be higher for that.
    Last edited by MrWizard; 01-19-2011 at 04:08 PM.
    Cannon fodder build The Stalwart Defender, Raid Tank
    Worst Shroud PUG EVER!!!!!! Epic Fail (started 1/13/10, necro'd 3/9/10, 4/20/10, raised dead 3/ 9/11, necro'd 4/9/11, 5/28/11, fame petition necro 8/5/11, necro'd 9/30/11, KIA 10/3/11, True reincarnated famed (by cleric Cordovan) 10/4/11,

  10. #30
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    Default Hmm

    So why not take one level of bard/rogue, get run the necro quest on Korthos till you get the low level gloves.

    That should get you to 12 (13 with skill focus) then add the gloves, eagles splendor, heroism, human versatility 2 (which is +3) and you are at your 20/21.

    Or doesn't the store have alignment change items? Just level up with Good in your alignment and buy a change item.

  11. #31
    Community Member AndyD47's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unionyes View Post
    Haven't run a FvS yet. Do they get access to Skill Boost enhancements? I know I take that on my Rogues and Rangers at least, put a few points in and you can boost your skills long enough to equip.
    Unless you are a human,a FvS wont have a skill action boost.
    Thelanis/Anndii 18 FvS Evoker - Ferrocious 20 Sorcerer
    Sarlona/Pherrocious TR Artificer in progress - Heborric 20 Rogue -Aparal 20 FvS

  12. #32
    Community Member augie's Avatar
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    Phase 1: Get Carnifex
    Phase 2: ?
    Phase 3: Profit

    Ol' Carny will make whatever weapon you have with Pure Good look downright silly. I understand what you're trying to do but seriously, the amount of dinking around required to do this is pretty ridiculous. Pure Good isn't going to make leveling any easier than a weapon with Flaming or Holy or Acid or anything else that adds damage that doesn't require UMD.
    Elite Raiders and Twilight Alliance guilds
    Journal of an Experienced Newbie - Level 1 thru 10 - (Melee)

  13. #33
    Community Member Talesin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zed1 View Post
    In answer to some of the comments on the thread, Pure Good is valuable because it is a suffix. I'm guessing the OP has a +1 Keen Falchion of Pure Good or something similar (which is indeed an ML:4 weapon.) I've used weapons like this on lowbies, and I generally keep using them until I pick up IC:Slash. The damage is noticeably better on crittable mobs.

    Although, the OP may find that having the best-of-the-best twink gear at low levels is overkill for a TR. I wouldn't worry too much if you need to wait a few more levels to start using Pure Good weapons.
    The OP may have a similiar weapon to my twink weapon. +1 Icy Burst Holy Falchion of Pure Good

    Once you put the resources into making one of these it's hard to resist the urge to use it. I had a Greataxe version of this that I shared between my toons (And hence wore out) and it definitely killed things noticably quicker than Carnifex did and about as fast as my non-epic sword of shadows did. I'm not sure if the math shows this to be true but the experience definitely did. At lvl 12 of course I switched to my trusty Min II Greataxe (My first life was as a Dwarf).

    End result
    - it's very fun owning everything from lvl 6 to 12.
    - You have to put up with taking unholy damage and neg levels for a few really nice (but hard to get) items later on.

    Oh... and 100th post
    Last edited by Talesin; 01-19-2011 at 05:24 PM.

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