Originally Posted by
-for those who don't like long posts, the last paragraph is the punchline-
My name is Cassie. As DDO playerbase goes, I am one of the younger players, in my mid-twenties. This post is, by nature, personal, so if you don’t like these types of posts, then back away slowly, or run away screaming, as you choose. My ex was into D&D, so he told me, and when DDO came free-to-play he came to me with great excitement telling me he had found a game for us to play (we had been playing a different MMO that was getting increasingly frustrating). I’m a gamer girl by nature but I never anticipated the effect that this game would change things.
After a few false starts we ran up the levels with me on a cleric, him on a ranger arcane archer. We levelled fast, picking up a semi-static group for a large amount of time. Most of those no longer play for various reasons. Often we would run with a tempest ranger, his name familiar to many, Diashanak, a healer Kaora and others whose names escape me. Dia used to joke that he had been spoilt going up the levels by constantly running with good healers, that when he reached his epic runs, he was repeatedly shocked at some of the healers he picked up.
We stayed at 20 for a while, with my ex- becoming increasingly unwilling to play unless there was a group up doing exactly what he was in the mood for at the time. We were recruited into Eternal Wrath around then by a good friend, and became close to many players within the guild. A friend, Oloros, taught me how to rebuild my cleric into an effective toon, and using his clonk as a base, I reincarnated my cleric (Lainith) into the same build.
Running up the levels the second time was slower, as my ex- played less often. I hate running on my own, so I built a favoured soul to run with a friend I had met, who was aiming for completionist (Soloartist/Soloartiste). At the time we had met, he was very loud and angry in party frequently, and blocked me the first time I talked because he thought my voice was sexy (I was later unblocked).
Writing this history here does serve a purpose, I swear, but I am a writer by nature and tend to draw things out. Sorry. I live in New Zealand. I am a scientist, just finished my Masters degree at university, I am a gamer, I am a writer. I am extremely passionate, quite silly, and as a general rule love getting to know people. When I gamed with my ex- he would try to hide that we were a couple, and would often speak negatively of me in party, as was his nature.
To my shock, as me and my ex- struggled through our relationship I found myself drawing closer to my online friend, Solo. The fact that he was so far away (America) meant we were completely honest to each other, each becoming a source of comfort to each other, through some very rough times.
The rest perhaps is history. He started to love me when I was still with my ex, but never pressured me to decide. For myself, I buried my emotions, but ended up eventually breaking the relationship for other reasons (so I told myself anyway), as it had been abusive for quite some time. Both me and Solo said that I wasn’t leaving my ex to be with Solo, but I’m not really sure who we thought we were fooling.
By now, most of Sarlona knows us. He is on his seventh life, and I am working on my original healer again having run a favoured soul (Lainiana, now a fighter), a bard (Metalainith, reincarnated now), and a monk (Cassiekat). For those who have run with us, most of the time his, somewhat vivid, descriptions in party chat are often entirely true, although it makes me giggle, as no one ever believes him. He is proud to be with me, and I him, and the way we talk I think is a sign of that, a sign of possession if you will.
We have our plans of where we go from here, but this thread has a specific purpose. Solo, solo. Lover man, friend and confidant. It will be some time before we meet and before I exchange vows with you, so my sir, I would ask you something here, through this venue we both love. Will you marry me on here? We met here, we fell in love on here, will you marry me on here?