Heya guys! I'm about to cap my 4th toon and need to get another rolled asap. From my sig you can see what I have already.

I want something that can melee and cast well. I love casters, both divine and arcane(prob arcane a bit more). My FvS was prob one of the easiest toons I have ever played. I'm sure my sorc would have had a much easier time but he was my first so I was noobish. Defin not saying he struggled, he's a death machine but he is a drow.....

I just can't decide! I have never went this long on a toon without making a new one long before lvl 19(30k from cap). Some builds I've read about that I think I might like are ranger, Pali or a bard. I like to stay pure but I guess I could multiclass for the exploiter build. Self healing is a must as I solo alot.

Thanks in advance for the input.