I'm doing a 13acroII,6kensaiI,1barb staff user right now. Have THF/iTHF, iCrit Bludgeoning, PA, Toughness, Cleave, and currently Stunning Blow (29 dc with my +8 staff). I plan on having both Stunning Blow and Force of Personality in my final build. FoP will be at least a +6 to my will save and bring the will save even with all the other ones (this is a 13cha start character for the Paladin Dilettante - I wanted meaningful saves on this guy). Lastly, this toon is often solo as it's a toon I'm helping my kid with...when he plays he's solo or small group with his brother and/or me. He's not always guaranteed sneak attack damage.
So my first question is this: Do I put off FoP until later or take it now when it'll be far more useful (a lot of the things FoP addresses will be non-issues at cap and possibly even have it replaced with another dps-oriented feat)?
Second question: For a staff-fighting THF str-based rogue that has stunning blow am I better off taking Opportunist or Crippling Strike first? I plan on getting both but one comes at character level 13, the other one not until CL: 20. Does the choice of which comes first get affected any by the fact this toon probably won't have a radiance weapon (crit profile stinks on qstaves) and won't have a radiance guard right away (non-TR)? Finally, if I swap back to FoP does that change which rogue feat should come first?