Can someone please fix the table or sting so the weapons show where in the upgrade process they are.
Atleast program 3 different errors so we know when we are in upgrading an item or buying one at the auction house.
Can someone please fix the table or sting so the weapons show where in the upgrade process they are.
Atleast program 3 different errors so we know when we are in upgrading an item or buying one at the auction house.
/signed, and actively advocating the request in my sig.
A fire elemental? Pull out your <stringtableErrorDID weapons and chaaarge!
A hellhound? Kill it with your holy <stringtableErrorDID greatsword!
A fire mephit? My <stringtableErrorDID khopesh will put it to rest!
Man, i love the many uses for all the blue <stringtableErrorDID stuff in my backpack...
I noticed this error on a weapon I made. Good to know it is the same for all. Is Turbine aware of it?
I don't seem to remember this being an issue last year.
Khyber:Greenberry, Jemric, Qashta, Leuk, Thurradal + many others
Allegedly, they are aware of it. When Risia was here last month, they actually put a notice in the launcher about it.
I guess this time around, they not only didn't bother to fix it, but figured they could save on costs by allowing the community to perform the communications and support on it.
To fix the display error, a new client patch would have to be distributed. This is an extremely large amount of network traffic for a (mostly) cosmetic change.
Is there a way to make client patch download optional? So instead of everyone getting it when they log on -- and Turbine getting hit with a blizzard of traffic all at once, -- each player gets a message: "Do you wish to download client patch which fixes Risia display error? Be aware that putting it off by a few days will help avoid lag."
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
It really bothers me when I see this in my weapons desc. I sent a ticket and was told that it was known and would be fixed, but no ETA on the fix.
Unless you read the release notes. It's already fixed, will go live next update. **or not, can't find the blurb I thought I saw now.**
...yeah, I'm looking for the link. 4:16
...okay, now I'm questioning my own sobriety. I'm sure I read it somewhere, can't find it - so take my comment with a grain of your granular seasoning of choice.
Hell, maybe it came to me in a keyboard-faceplanted dream. 4:30
last edit:
*throws hands up in despair* I dunno. I give up.
*wanders off to fridge for another cider.*
Last edited by cdbd3rd; 02-08-2011 at 05:44 PM.