If anything all it shows is that everything concerning ranged combat, except slaying arrows, needs to be seriously BUFFED. Leave slaying arrows alone and buff up everything else. That would take care it.
If anything all it shows is that everything concerning ranged combat, except slaying arrows, needs to be seriously BUFFED. Leave slaying arrows alone and buff up everything else. That would take care it.
Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk
Minimize expectations and you'll never be disappointed
Fix ranged's missing shots. Fix the aggro from ranged attacks.
But don't randomly change basic mechanics just because someone plays PvP (which is a silly concept in a D&D based game) and thinks only of PvP, with no regard for PvE (which is the core of this game).
Y'know what, H4x is right... I mean, lets just go ahead and nerf slayer arrows and stat damage, throw out vorpal weapons, while we're at it we'll throw out paralyzers and nerf the Hold and Flesh to Stone spells, get rid of finger of death. And since we're doing all this, we'll also nerf Power Attack, shorten the duration of Rage, may as well get rid of Haste as well, and... y'know what, no more armor either. Everyone will just have to wear robes and outfits from now on, no matter their level or Dex bonus.
Wait... what?
Oh! You mean this isn't a thread meant for sarcastically making requests that would absolutely ruin the game?
My bad. Mock on.
One of the most important advances in grammar was the invention of the paragraph. As a method for organising one's thoughts in a clear and concise manner with the ultimate aim of ease of reading for another party, the paragraph is unparalleled. The idea is simple; start with one paragraph, and when you have covered one subject, switch to a new one! In fact, the idea is so good, it is widespread in languages across the globe. From the latin languages, to the germanics, and even cryllic and far-eastern realms, everybody is using paragraphs!
It is not just a simple idea in concept, it is incredibly easy to put into actual use. When you have covered a topic, more or less, and are going to change subject slightly, simply start a new paragraph! Ta-da! This cues the reader that a change in topic, however slight, is taking place. It also makes reading easier on the eyes, as the text is seperated into small, maneagable sections, each with their own purpose. All in all, paragraphs are a great thing for every burgeoning writer.
Unfortunately, the paragraph is in decline. The advent of the internet has seen wide-spread abuses of the convention. Perhaps it is the anonymity or ease of the media, maybe it is the informal feel of emails, it might even be a product of quick-firing, venemous online message boards, nobody knows the true reason for this disturbing trend. It might not even be the internet at all, but instead the rather troubling lowering of standards in public education which is to blame. One thing is certain; the paragraph, as a standard of good grammar and excellence in communication, should be upheld!
Also, to get back on topic, what is the point of consistently posting threads which, infalliably, attempt to force PvP views on the game as a whole? You know they will be shot down, and you know exactly why, so it is obviously not because you are trying to get the overall opinion of other players, or even garner support. Is it just to troll, or simply posting because you can, or have you truly not understood the difference between PvP and DDO? Enlighten me, please.
Axebiter, Cujo, Runeforge, Runefury, Runegoth, Runehealer, Runehamer, Runehorde, Runenight, Runesongs, RunezephyrAnd the forgotten: Runeaura, Runedevourer, Herstinkie, Runewolf,Caught somewhere between casual player and power gamer.
Let me see if I'm understanding what you are saying....
Archers are using an enhancement and it's killing you, and you are upset and want the game changed so that archers don't kill you in PvP? Furthermore you want to kill them, and as a caster, you presumably use maximize and empower?
Here is an idea... get a second computer and a free to play account, then log that account in, put him in a PvP pit and kill him without worrying about dying.
I was not aware that the game revolved around you.
/ not signed
Yet another thread that could have been avoided by the removal of PvP from the game.
Thornton, Human Ranger (Sarlona&Cannith)
Azhik, Dwarf Tempest
Thrum, Dwarf Hunter of Undead
Wencislaus, Human Radiant Servant.
What is this 'PvP' you speak of? Is it one of he new quests from the last mod?
And, if we are using lyrics today.........
I walk these streets
A loaded longbow in my hands
I play for keeps
Cuz I might not make it back
I've been every where
And I'm still standing tall
I've seen a million PVP pits
And I've rocked them all.
Cuz I'm a ranger
On manyshot I rely
And I'm wanted
Nerfed or Alive.
Thelanis; Strngrdanger, Likkerpig, Byrnt, Obgynkenobi, Severancepay, Buffystmarie.
Really... did this thread really need a new rendition of a bad Bon Jovi song?
This is just a behavior he has learned to work in his past: When his own abilty/reflexes/skill fails him, to come at a different "angle" in order to level the playing field in his favor.
This is part of a larger problem in society, when someone gets lazy, or unable to rise to the level of achievement they feel entitled to, they have to try by any means necessary to get to that level, whether its by lying, cheating, stealing, altering the rules, or **GASP** working harder for it (VERY RARE)
Me, I don't give a ^&*(, call me what you want in game, i log out every night and go to bed with my wife, so I can go to work the next morning.
Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!
I had to check the date on this thread to make sure it wsn't something necro'ed.
H4x, are you trying to get the devs to differentiate between what AA can do in pvp vs what they can do in pve? Same abilities with different outcomes depending on circumstances?
And while I'm surprised you actually know two people who have AA characters well enough to call them friends I'm glad you have a theme song now.
All of Company of the Black Dragon and all of Warriors of the Wild
Some of the Vagabond Horde and some of the SrTG
All on Khyber
I agree. Someone, somewhere, has rewarded this behavior in the past, so we are seeing it in the present.
It's commendable to try to better yourself. It's horrible to try to do so by changing the rules to give yourself an advantage. Figure out what the rules are, work within them, and succeed. Or don't.
I suck at PvP. I accidentally wandered in there back in 2007 when I started playing, not knowing what it was, and got creamed. I went back once, in 2009, to see what I might be missing and it was pretty meh.
But, if it would help the current situation, I would commit to letting my 6 year old take my bard into the PvP pit once a week so 'someone' could kill him a few times so they could feel better about the world. Heck, my kid would love it. He mostly just runs around in the harbor anyhow, drowning or accidentally running into Durks and breaking my stuff on the oozes, so PvP would be right up his alley. I wouldn't even post a screenshot if he happened to win
Thelanis; Strngrdanger, Likkerpig, Byrnt, Obgynkenobi, Severancepay, Buffystmarie.
The only way there would forever be bickering on this subject is if ranged was changed to pass up melee in DPS. Let me know if this is going to happen in advance please, because I will have to stock the shop with extra pitch forks, kerosene, and fire up the popcorn maker.
Not necessarily. It would just mean that (most) everyone would switch to Ranged characters (after all the uproar died down) and kite Mobs all over the place while taking far less damage than one would who's doing toe-to-toe melee.
I believe this is what happened in Beta, which is why Ranged combat was weakened so much.
The Devs are not likely to go this route without requiring a major amount of "dedication" in Feat and gear to make Ranged that powerful.