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Thread: TR questions

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default TR questions

    I plan on getting my WF melee FvS to 20 and grinding out epic challenges for loot/tokens to TR him. My question is, what items should be on my list, as I plan to TR into a cleric, ideally a caster/healer cleric, but I may go melee/healer like my current FvS is. My end plan is to TR back and forth between the 2 until I have PL in both classes

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jul 2010


    Torc from DQ raid
    Greensteel conc op item
    Shield from HoX
    Vibrant purple and pale lavender ioun stones from DD
    Minos legens is useful for leveling and end game until you start to slot your epic items.

    Just a couple things to think about. There are also race/build specific items to consider (docent of defiance, terror etc...)
    Cannith - Noehealz, Protectorjon, Noebuffs, Mortion

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by morticianjohn View Post
    Torc from DQ raid
    Greensteel conc op item
    Shield from HoX
    Vibrant purple and pale lavender ioun stones from DD
    Minos legens is useful for leveling and end game until you start to slot your epic items.

    Just a couple things to think about. There are also race/build specific items to consider (docent of defiance, terror etc...)
    Well, I was thinking Human evoker, or half elf if I go melee, using the fighter dilly for weapon proficiencies, allowing me to stay pure cleric, or splash different combinations, like monk for evasion and 2 free feats, or wizard 1 for a free meta

  4. #4
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    What prior poster said but also GS HP/SP items.

    Invulnerability item for low levels is another really good thing to have.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boombastic View Post
    Well, I was thinking Human evoker, or half elf if I go melee, using the fighter dilly for weapon proficiencies, allowing me to stay pure cleric, or splash different combinations, like monk for evasion and 2 free feats, or wizard 1 for a free meta
    Evoker will want a greater evocation focus item. Melee will want level appropriate weapons. Greensteel is nice for leveling since they have a low ML but if you're already crafting conc op HP/SP items then you'll want to save the larges for those. The red fens sets can be nice to equip at level 7 and they're easy to acquire (probably just one or two runs though the red fens ~ 1 hour on a lvl 20). Still it's not something I'd probably try to acquire. Chattering ring is GREAT for leveling. IMO you can have a useful AC all the way up to ~ level 17 if you plan ahead. Protection +5 item, +5 Mithral full plate, +5 mithral tower shield dodge +1, +2, +3 and +4 items natural armor bonus (barkskin pots or otherwise), greater parrying, stone of change rituals, and anything else I'm forgetting. If you get all of this gear you can have a useful AC throughout the leveling process.

    Are you a crafter? If you can craft then most of the stuff you'll want during the TR process is not worth mentioning since you can just craft it (such as the greater evocation focus item).
    Cannith - Noehealz, Protectorjon, Noebuffs, Mortion

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