I am trying to nail down the feats I would want to take as a Spellsinger. Goals of the build (in order of importance) will be:
1. Healing
2. CC
3. Melee
I don't mention buffs, because that's a given IMO. Starting stats will be 14 str, 16 con, 18 cha (and all level ups in cha), dump everything else. I thought of 16 str/14 con as well and am torn between those. Skills will be jump, balance, haggle, concentration, UMD, perform. Will melee with a two hander.
So far I am thinking:
1. Toughness, Extend
3. Spell Focus Enchant
6. Maximize
9. Heighten
12. Spell pen
15. Gr. Spell focus Enchant
18. Gr. Spell pen
Obviously this devotes no melee feats so melee may be too weak. So I thought of maybe doing something like:
1. Toughness, extend
3. Spell focus Ench
6. Maximize
9. Imp Crit
12. Heighten
15. Power attack (or maybe take THF at lvl 1 and move some of the other feats around?)
18. Spell pen
The order is debatable, and I'm just going off the top of my head so maybe they can be switched up a bit. I've never played such a support build, the closest I have is my Warchanter/trapper melee build. Therefore I'm not sure how much I will be able to/want to melee with my other responsibilities taking precedence much of the time. If I'm not going to melee much at all, then I probably should go with the former option.
My other question is to be totally healing spec'd do I want empower heal as well as maximize? I'm somewhat worried that at lower levels maximize will be too expensive SP wise.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.