Looking for the following Stuff:
Firestorm greaves
Scroll of
Marilith Chain
Staff of Arcane power
abishai scrolls
Gem of many facets
Here is the list what I can offer:
flawless Fragonshard
many Desert wildness scroll
Scorched Bracers(trade to other abishai scroll
Finger Necklace
Red scales
tome pages
many larges
+4 Mta PG wrap,Scroll of Bracers of the claw +plats or large/red scales ( only trade to Marilith Chain scroll)
GS item
+2 Mta bleed Wrap
Major Mana potions
Also have plats ,Please send tell in game ,I am on *Ratin/ratins/kasur most of the time. if i'm off line,sent mail to Ratin ,ty