Hi All,
This is partially a whine, but more an opinion seeking thread.
Logged on tonight with my Lvl 12 Cleric
First Note: - I really enjoy PUG's, I have a lot of fun meeting new people and whilst the occasional disaster occurs, I don't tend to mind, as I am not a Power Gamer or massively experienced player. Also note I have no issue with anyone who is, or dislikes PUG's.
Anyway I see a LFM up for Tempest Spine (10-14). Now its a quest I enjoy, and so I've had a reasonable amount of mileage out of it from 9 - 11 so I know that my xp will be pretty small from running this even on Elite, and the LFM is for Normal so I ignore it.
Within about a minute I get a tell from the party leader asking if I want to join.
Second Note: - I have no issue with random tells (as a Cleric I sort of expect them at lower lvls), and when I can, I always respond politely (either accepting or rejecting).
So I respond "Thinking about it, but will get very little xp"
Third Note - I do not run parties. I do not put up LFM's. There are 3 reasons for this.
1. I have managed/lead people in high stress work situations for some 23 -24 years. When I game, I want a release, not a repeat.
2. I do not consider myself to be an expert at this game. I am happy to offer advice and opinion both in game and here, but only where I think I know what I am talking about (and often proved wrong and learn something) and so I do not feel competent at leading partues.
3. Comparing myself to some of the really good party leaders I have met in this game, I know I am not particularly good at it.
Anyhow, so a few mins passes, noting really of interest on the LFM panel, I'm not in the mood for soloing, so i think what the hell a quick 3-4k xp is worth doing, so I send a join request.
As more people join, the leader types in party chat, "Lots of first timers in the group, long timers please be aware/considerate".
Final Note - I have no problem with first timers in quests/raids. I learnt a metric f... tonne from being a first timer and having experienced players teach me the finer points of raids (not hand holding lead by the nose, but good learning expereinces)
As we fill out, I type in party chat (as I have no idea if anyone has voice/ears on), "Leader are you going to give out guidance for the new players?"
The reply (and reason I am posting), "No, I don't know this well enough" DING you are now party leader.
I will not bore you with any further irelavent details other than to say, I lead, we completed on hard, it took a pretty long time, I got about 5K exp and vendor trash, I hope I lead ok but my personal judgement is I was a C- at best.
So my whine is - Why would you post an LFM for an admittedly easy raid, accept a bunch of first timers, then pass the star?
My opinion seeking questions are.
In your opinion, is this acceptable behaviour?
Should I have refused the star and or done the same and just pass it on?
I am not a fan of dropping groups for silliness like this, so that wasn't an option for me (though I really thought about it)
Your thoughts appreciated